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Eleventh hour for the SDGs: A just and prosperous world is still within reach – what can Europe do next?


Eleventh hour for the SDGs: A just and prosperous world is still within reach – what can Europe do next?

The third and final annual monitoring report provides a mid-term and forward-looking analysis of Europe’s implementation of the SDGs,…

Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda


Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda

The concept of a Just Transition was developed as a framework to reconcile social and environmental goals in the…

Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it


Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it

DRAGHI Report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it The…

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 


ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

In the framework of the ECHO Network project, SOLIDAR Foundation together with ECHO Network project partners produced a Plea…

Thematic Publication | An Economy Beyond Profit: SOLIDAR members’ vision on SSE


Thematic Publication | An Economy Beyond Profit: SOLIDAR members’ vision on SSE

In a world shaped by pressing challenges such as the ongoing climate and environmental crises, geopolitical tensions, rising economic…

Policy Paper | Global Citizenship Education and Democratic Participation in Europe 


Policy Paper | Global Citizenship Education and Democratic Participation in Europe 

SOLIDAR Foundation is proud to announce the release of its latest policy paper, “Global Citizenship Education and Democratic Participation…

Position Paper | Intersecting Pathways: Inclusive Education for Active Citizenship


Position Paper | Intersecting Pathways: Inclusive Education for Active Citizenship

In an ever-growing multicultural and diverse Europe and in the wider context of increasing complexity at the global level,…



Just4All National Background Papers On Just Transition, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

ABF, Ligue de l’enseignement, CARDET and AONTAS, affiliated entities of the EU-funded Just4All project have produced 4 background papers…

BRIEFING PAPER #109:  The European Commission’s proposal for an EU Talent Pool


BRIEFING PAPER #109:  The European Commission’s proposal for an EU Talent Pool

The European Commission’s job-matching plan for third-country nationals is not inherently negative, but as it stands it risks aggravating…