A Just Transition For the Global South

A Just Transition For the Global South

How to strengthen the collective power of civil society, trade unions and politics in order to achieve a just and democratic green transition for the Global South?  Learning from alliances and movements in the Philippines and South Africa, the Olof Palme International Center’s publication “A Just Transition for the Global South” provides elements to answer this fundamental…

Learning for citizenship never ends: Repository of Good Practices on Citizenship and Lifelong Learning

Learning for citizenship never ends: Repository of Good Practices on Citizenship and Lifelong Learning

After 7 years of work, covering 6 flagship publications, the work of SOLIDAR Foundation on the Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor is coming to an end. The conclusion represents the end of a research endeavour and an exercise in taking stock of how national and European policies on lifelong learning, especially on citizenship education, have…

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

On 9 December 2021 the European Commission presented a proposed directive on improving working conditions in platform work. This was the latest step of a path started some years before and reflecting the political will of EU institutions to regulate a fast-growing platform economy. The pandemic has given great impetus to the sector, but has also exposed…

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021

The Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor is SOLIDAR Foundation’s flagship publication, coming into its 6th edition and analysing policy developments linked to citizenship education and lifelong learning at EU level and across Europe. The 6th edition represents the last edition, considering that, since the Paris Declaration, there has been more work done at EU level with regards to strategic documents on citizenship education while…

Asia Regional ESRM Report 2021

Asia Regional ESRM Report 2021

The SOLIDAR 2021 Economic and Social Rights Monitor (ESRM) Reports have a special focus on countering shrinking space with particular attention to Asia. For this reason, SOLIDAR has compiled an ESRM Regional Report in collaboration with SOLIDAR Suisse to address the developments of shrinking civic space in Asia.   In Asia, respect for labour rights has been…