Sustainability through SOLIDAR(ity). SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and worldwide

Sustainability through SOLIDAR(ity). SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and worldwide

SOLIDAR believes that the transformative vision of the 2030 Agenda offers a great chance to shift away from the current (unsustainable) development model that has put at its center economic growth, has led to growing inequalities, to the destruction of the environment, to a great concentration of power in few hands and that is exacerbating…

SDGs Handbook: The Sustainable Development Goals in brief

SDGs Handbook: The Sustainable Development Goals in brief

This short handbook is designed to introduce the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to European Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) active in the area of economic and social rights. It aims particularly at providing social CSOs willing to engage in national sustainable development processes, with a basic understanding of the 2030 Agenda, and the opportunities its…

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for solidarity and shows that integration is possible

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for solidarity and shows that integration is possible

May 15, 2019 Civil society – concrete solutions against anti-immigrant rhetoric and systematic impasse The anti-immigrant sentiment fueled by nationalists and populists across Europe has been causing restrictive immigration policies that breed the stigmatization of migrants. The politics of fear is fed by the same hate, racism and xenophobia that it fuels and that is embodied…

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for more social investment in education

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for more social investment in education

Social investment: key for inclusive learning societies SOLIDAR members have a long-standing tradition of empowering people through lifelong learning, and actively promote social cohesion, active inclusion and participation in society. They are active in the fields of adult education, professional and vocational training, education populaire and education for Peace. The whole school approach, that translates…

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for fighting back the shrinking civic space

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for fighting back the shrinking civic space

March 14, 2019 No democracy without strong Civil Society Organisations Civic space is the bedrock of any open and democratic society. Civil Society Organisations are a key player for our democracy to flourish, and the more the civic space shrinks the less a society can be considered democratic.  Today, the civic space is narrowing in…

European Conference: The unsustainable burden of inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030

European Conference: The unsustainable burden of inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030

inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 January 8, 2019 Marking the first anniversary of the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, SOLIDAR successfully hosted a conference in the European Parliament on 22 November 2018, attended by more than 120 participants. The aim…