BRIEFING PAPER #107: The European Commission’s recommendation on the recognition of qualifications of third-country nationals
The European Commission published a Recommendation on the recognition of qualifications of third- country nationals on 15 November 2023, with the purpose to streamline and speed up recognition processes. These measures would aim to bring the EU’s recognition system closer to the one in place for EU mobile citizens.
As acknowledged in various EU instruments, facilitating the recognition of prior learning and qualifications is key to the inclusion of non-EU nationals in the labour market. Ensuring social inclusion is not offering migrants any job; it is making sure their qualifications are recognized, so they can find a job that matches their aspirations and qualifications, as well as pursue education or adult learning. Access to recognition but also upskilling, reskilling and learning opportunities for all workers, are crucial to ensure a socially just green transition. This paper aims to critically analyze the Recommendation, looking at the extent to which it provides concrete avenues for Member States to provide fair, accessible and quality recognition opportunities for third-country nationals.
Please note one footnote slipped our attentive eye. On page 2, the source for the text ‘Almost 40% of highly qualified migrants are overqualified for the job they occupy, meaning that they work in low or medium skilled occupations despite having higher levels of education or training. This is almost double the percentage if compared to EU citizens working in their own country (…)’ should be the following:
Eurostat (2023). Migrant integration statistics – over-qualification: