Eleventh hour for the SDGs: A just and prosperous world is still within reach – what can Europe do next?

Eleventh hour for the SDGs: A just and prosperous world is still within reach – what can Europe do next?

The third and final annual monitoring report provides a mid-term and forward-looking analysis of Europe’s implementation of the SDGs, assessing the EGD’s contribution to achieving these goals within the EU and in other countries. It monitors SDG progress based on the commitments of the main political parties following the 2024 European Parliament elections and integrates…

Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda

Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda

The concept of a Just Transition was developed as a framework to reconcile social and environmental goals in the transition to a zero emissions economy. However, its application, especially in Europe, has leaned on Global South resources and economic growth models that exacerbate the very crises they aim to solve. The Global South is disproportionately…

Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it

Draghi report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it

DRAGHI Report – is the future of Europe all about competitiveness? SOLIDAR sees more social justice in it The long-awaited report authored by Mario Draghi, the famous former European Central Bank President, is titled “EU competitiveness: Looking ahead” and was presented on 9th September 2024. It was requested by the European Commission and reflects his…

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

ECHO network | Plea for an ethical and sustainable digital transition 

In the framework of the ECHO Network project, SOLIDAR Foundation together with ECHO Network project partners produced a Plea for an Ethical and Sustainable Digital Transition. The document builds on the findings of the ECHO Network project and advocates for an ethical and sustainable digital transition. It contains a plea to European policymakers to promote…


Just4All National Background Papers On Just Transition, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

ABF, Ligue de l’enseignement, CARDET and AONTAS, affiliated entities of the EU-funded Just4All project have produced 4 background papers about the contexts in Ireland, France, Cyprus and Sweden. The 4 national background papers illustrate the state of play of policies aimed at developing adequate adult learning schemes to support a just transition. The papers include…