ERASMUS+ Operating Grant
The work of SOLIDAR Foundation is supported by an Erasmus + Framework Partnership Operating Grant focused on promoting Democratic Participation and Inclusion through Global Citizenship Education from 2023 to 2025.
Over this period, SOLIDAR Foundation’s overall objective is to increase the influence and voice of our members at the EU level (in relation to the European Education Area, the Skills Agenda, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Democracy Action Plan) to make sure that informal and non-formal education, Global Citizenship Education and citizenry participation are recognised as central to building inclusive learning societies.
Through this project, SOLIDAR Foundation raises awareness on the need to enhance the acquisition of key transversal competences for participating in democracy, as well as for all to benefit from the green and digital transitions, to ultimately advance social justice. More specifically, we are working on citizenship education, access to learning opportunities and possibilities to participate in the EU democratic processes. Throughout this period, we are animating a debate with institutional and civil society stakeholders, including our members, on the interrelation between the provision of quality global citizenship education and the participation in the EU democratic life, drawing the attention on cleavages for active citizenship such as socio-economic backgrounds. The work plan aligns with key EU policy priorities on education and training, with the goal of supporting civil society in engaging and participating in the development of these policies.

Project partners
In the frame of the Erasmus+ programme, SOLIDAR Foundation is implementing advocacy, dissemination, and capacity-building activities in collaboration with its 50+ member organisations.