SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work
News and statements

SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work

SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work Today, 25th October 2022, the EMPL Committee of the European Parliament is hosting a hearing on the Uber Files, the global investigation on the secret lobbying activities and illegal practices carried out by the renowned platform with the objective…

Can Europe lead a Just Transition? – Thematic publication

Can Europe lead a Just Transition? – Thematic publication

Strengthening social justice in the European Green Deal by using European Pillar of Social Rights indicators The European Green Deal (EGD), the EU’s strategy to reach climate neutrality by 2050, is meant to be guided by the principles and rights of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). However, the social dimension of the European Green Deal is not…

European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises
News and statements

European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises

European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises On 23rd May the European Commission published its Spring Package, that includes, among others, the Country Reports and the Country Specific Recommendations (CSR) and marks one of the main stages of the European Semester cycle. The European Semester is an instrument of…

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

On 9 December 2021 the European Commission presented a proposed directive on improving working conditions in platform work. This was the latest step of a path started some years before and reflecting the political will of EU institutions to regulate a fast-growing platform economy. The pandemic has given great impetus to the sector, but has also exposed…

SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council
News and statements

SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council

March 15, 2022 The European Commission’s proposal for a reform of the EU borrowing and spending rules has the potential to support and encourage a socially Just green Transition. However, if governments do not signal high ambitions, the reform will only tinker around the edges. Therefore, SOLIDAR has joined the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and a…

European Roundtable on Unpaid Labour in the Platform Economy
News and statements

European Roundtable on Unpaid Labour in the Platform Economy

European Roundtable on Unpaid Labour in the Platform Economy On Thursday 9 December, SOLIDAR organised its online 2021 European Roundtable titled “Unpaid Labour in the Platform Economy”. The objective of the Roundtable was to present the findings of SOLIDAR’s thematic publication realised by two researchers from KU Leuven, Valeria Pulignano and Claudia Marà, about one intrinsic – yet little explored – feature…