The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda

The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda

The study titled “The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda” was co-authored by Danielle Brady, Tommaso Grossi, Laura Rayner from EPC and thanks to the contribution of SOLIDAR, Social Platform, Foundation of Progressive Studies, AK Europa. This study acknowledges the progress made in the EU social policies since the introduction of the…

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU Policies on Access to Essential Services

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU Policies on Access to Essential Services

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU POLICIES on Access to Essential Services December 28, 2023 In June, the European Commission (EC) released its first-ever assessment report on Access to Essential Services in the European Union. This comprehensive and long-awaited report examined the extent of access to Essential Services listed in Principle 20 of the European…

Food deliverer cycling on the right side of the picture
News and statements

CSOs respond to big digital platforms’ narrative and call for a Directive that upholds social rights

CSOs RESPOND TO BIG DIGITAL PLATFORM’S NARRATIVE AND CALL FOR A DIRECTIVE THAT UPHOLDS SOCIAL RIGHTS Ahead of the trilogue discussion on the Directive for improving working conditions in platform work on 12th December, SOLIDAR joined forces with Social Platform the European Youth Forum and CECOP and published a statement in which we stress that…

Just4all, a new project to bridge Adult Education to Just Transition, launches in Brussels
News and statements

Just4all, a new project to bridge Adult Education to Just Transition, launches in Brussels

The kick-off meeting, which was hosted by SOLIDAR on 15 and 16 of November, brought together 15 participants from seven partners implementing the project including SOLIDAR, consortium leader, the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF), Ireland’s National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS), the Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology…

person in a protest carrying a poster saying "housing is a human right"
News and statements


OPEN LETTER TO THE EUROPEAN UNION MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR HOUSING The CEMR, Eurocities, Housing Europe, the International Union of Tenants and SOLIDAR welcome the Gijón Declaration on “Housing for all in sustainable, healthy and inclusive environments” to be adopted on the occasion of the informal Ministerial Meeting on Housing and Urban Development on 13-14 November 2023 under…