Economic and Social Rights Monitor – South East Asia

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – South East Asia

SOLIDAR network is active in East and South-East Asia with its partner organisation to enhance the progressive implementation of Economic and Social Rights, namely Freedom of Association, the right to social protection and decent work for all. Our work in the area is coordinated by our members SOLIDAR Suisse Hong Kong. Between November 12th and 13th 2019, in Bangkok (Thailand), our network…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Since the advent of democracy in Guatemala, national social expenditure increased. However, major problems, such as social inequalities, persist and impact particularly indigenous people, women, and citizens from rural areas. Although some progress has been made, the country is still distressed by social unrest, stigmatization of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), and increasingly frequent violence. Guatemala seems…

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region
News and statements

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region On 2 and 3 December, more than 130 civil society organisations from the southern Mediterranean shore met with representatives of the European Institutions in Brussels in the second edition of the Civil Society Forum. This forum is part of the EU-funded MAJALAT initiative, which…

Economic and Social Rights: SOLIDAR’s input into EU – South East Asia Civil Society Seminar
News and statements

Economic and Social Rights: SOLIDAR’s input into EU – South East Asia Civil Society Seminar

Economic and Social Rights: SOLIDAR’s input into EU – South East Asia Civil Society Seminar In parallel with the EU-ASEAN Dialogue on Human Rights that took place in Brussels from 26 to 29 November 2019, the European External Action Service (EEAS) hosted a consultation with CSOs active in South-East Asia, in order to identify concrete…

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America
News and statements

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  70 civil society organisations and trade unions, representing 18 countries from Latin America and Europe, met in Bogotá (Colombia) from 8  to 10 November, to  exchange…

SOLIDAR Training Academy and Political Dialogue on EU-Latin American Relations: Putting Freedom of Association and CSO Space at the forefront
News and statements

SOLIDAR Training Academy and Political Dialogue on EU-Latin American Relations: Putting Freedom of Association and CSO Space at the forefront

SOLIDAR Training Academy and Political Dialogue on EU-Latin American Relations: Putting Freedom of Association and CSO Space at the forefront Between 15 and 17 October, SOLIDAR together with its member MPDL hosted its first Training Academy and Political Dialogue on EU-Latin American Relations. The event, organised in the framework of DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International…

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights
News and statements

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  NGOs and trade unions from Latin American and European countries will meet in Bogotá from 8 to 10 November, with the objective of identifying joint…