ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools
News and statements

ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools

ECHO Network Study Visit Brussels – Active Education and Ethical Digital Tools From 12 and 15 June, the second Study Visit in the framework of the ECHO Network project took place in Brussels, organised by SOLIDAR Foundation’s partner CEMÉA Belgium. The ECHO Network project is based on exchanging experiences and best practices in achieving the vision…

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project
News and statements

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project

Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society: Results from the IMAGES project The IMAGES (I Manage and Empower My Skills) project was concluded with a final conference “Upskilling & Empowering Civil Society” in Brussels on the 8th of June 2023. Member organisations representatives and various stakeholders took part to discuss the results of the project in the framework…

Civil society organisations work together to develop a spotlight report on Sustainable Development Goals
News and statements

Civil society organisations work together to develop a spotlight report on Sustainable Development Goals

As the EU prepares to publish its European Voluntary Review of the SDGs (EUVR), representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) from a broad range of sectors across Europe came together to assess Europe’s SDG progress by contributing to the finalisation of a civil society spotlight report. More than 40 civil society organisations from across Europe…

SOLIDAR Foundation Statement on the European Year of Skills
News and statements

SOLIDAR Foundation Statement on the European Year of Skills

Today the European Year of Skills (EYS) kicks off with the European Year of Skills Festival. The EYS will run until May 2024, and aims to tackle the mismatch between unemployment and education.  SOLIDAR Foundation applauds the attention that EYS will bring to education, training and lifelong learning. However, SOLIDAR deplores the way the European…