Just4All – Adult Education for a Just Transition

Just4All – Adult Education for a Just Transition

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? Just4All is an EU-funded initiative promoting a just transition through inclusive and innovative lifelong learning and adult education. The action’soverall objective is to support an inclusive recovery and digital and green transitions in Europe. More specifically, it aims to develop integrated, inclusive, and innovative adult learning and education (ALE) models…

ECHO Network Study Visit – Online Learning and Digital Technology
News and statements

ECHO Network Study Visit – Online Learning and Digital Technology

From 25 to 29 September, ECHO Network’s third study visit took place in Rome. Hosting organisation and ECHO Network project partner, CEMEA Federazione Italiana organised this visit on the topic of online learning and digital technology.    CEMEA Federazione Italiana and its partner organisations Acque Correnti and Movimento di cooperazione educativa (MCE) shared their experience in conducting online training courses. They emphasised the importance of working…

The People’s Green Deal: Citizens’ Participation in Europe’s Sustainability Agenda

The People’s Green Deal: Citizens’ Participation in Europe’s Sustainability Agenda

A key element of legitimate policymaking is enabling the meaningful participation and deliberation of citizens, amplifying their voices, and ensuring they are heard and reflected in the process. For policies at all levels to be able to tackle real issues and propose effective solutions, citizens and their representatives must be involved through all steps of the policy-making cycle, from agenda-setting…

Education Policy Pill: European Year of Skills through a social justice lens
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: European Year of Skills through a social justice lens

A year ago, at the State of the European Union address (SOTEU), the European Commission proposed to make 2023 the European Year of Skills (EYS). When it was launched, on 9 May 2023, SOLIDAR published its statement, strongly advocating for a shift towards a lifelong and life-wide learning perspective, focusing on key competences and transversal competences…

Briefing Paper 105 – The European Year of Skills Through Social Justice Lenses

Briefing Paper 105 – The European Year of Skills Through Social Justice Lenses

The European Year of Skills (EYS) was officially launched by the European Commission on May 9th of this year. Aimed at addressing labour shortages and mismatches in skills, the EYS is intended to showcase existing initiatives in skills development across Europe. The Commission wants the EYS to bring together national and European authorities, trade unions, chambers of…

Civil Society Meets in Brussels for Dialogue on Shaping Europe’s Green Future with Policymakers
News and statements

Civil Society Meets in Brussels for Dialogue on Shaping Europe’s Green Future with Policymakers

More than 60 civil society organisations (CSOs) from across Europe and beyond met in Brussels for the fifth edition of the “Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal” on the 26th and 27th of June 2023. Over the course of two days, CSOs with an interest in the just transition, deliberative democracy,…