LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector | SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network
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LLLWeek 2023 Workshop: Validation of competences acquired in the civil society sector | SOLIDAR Foundation & Diesis Network

During the LLLWeek, SOLIDAR Foundation and Diesis co-organised a joint event on the Validation of competences acquired in the civil sector. The event showcased the IMAGES and baSE Projects, presenting the results respectively preliminary findings, and brought together experts and policymakers to discuss the importance of the recognition of transversal skills. As Welcoming and Concluding Remarks, S&D MEP Alicia Homs Ginel highlighted…

Just4all, a new project to bridge Adult Education to Just Transition, launches in Brussels
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Just4all, a new project to bridge Adult Education to Just Transition, launches in Brussels

The kick-off meeting, which was hosted by SOLIDAR on 15 and 16 of November, brought together 15 participants from seven partners implementing the project including SOLIDAR, consortium leader, the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE), Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF), Ireland’s National Adult Learning Organisation (AONTAS), the Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology…

Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy
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Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy

Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy On 16 November, during the Global Education Week 2023, SOLIDAR Foundation presented its Policy Paper on Global Citizenship Education at the annual thematic conference. Being the culmination of a year-long work on the topic, the Policy Paper WE ALL BELONG: The role of GCE in supporting…

Policy Paper | WE ALL BELONG: The role of GCE in supporting democratic participation and addressing current global challenges

Policy Paper | WE ALL BELONG: The role of GCE in supporting democratic participation and addressing current global challenges

Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been a central topic to the work of the SOLIDAR Foundation membership across Europe and beyond. A common frame that reunites the membership of SOLIDAR Foundation is the fact that each one of them is striving to achieve social justice through education, ensuring that all learners have access to quality,…

Policy Brief: The Future of the European Green Deal

Policy Brief: The Future of the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal (EGD) is Europe’s ambitious plan for a sustainable future, and the Civil Society Forum for Sustainability is playing a key role in shaping this future. The policy brief we’re discussing today comes from engaging discussions with more than 60 civil society organisations. These groups came together to build a practical and forward-thinking agenda for…

EUROGAP training programme: second edition
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EUROGAP training programme: second edition

EUROGAP training programme: second edition To bridge the gap between the EU and its citizens and to strengthen the cooperation between SOLIDAR Foundation and its members, SOLIDAR Foundation hosts EUROGAP, flagship programme aimed at capacity building and shaping political understanding of European cooperation.   In the second edition of the EUROGAP programme, carried out on 9-13…

Civil Society was present and loud at the European Education Area mid-term review event!
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Civil Society was present and loud at the European Education Area mid-term review event!

On October 10th, the European Commission and the European Parliament organised an event to discuss the progress of the European Education Area, the strategy of the EU to create a European Learning Space that is currently undergoing a mid-term review and that aims at helping to make national education and training systems more resilient and inclusive…