SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education
News and statements

SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education

SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education In 2022, SOLIDAR Foundation’s work revolved around the theme of Peace Education as a tool for achieving learning and sustainable societies. As the culmination of a whole year of activities, a Policy Paper on Peace Education titled A Sustainable Journey to Peace: Peace Education in the Context of Global Citizenship…

ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education
News and statements

ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education

ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education From 28 until 30 March the first Study Visit in the framework of the ECHO Network project took place in Berlin, organized by SOLIDAR Foundation’s member Willi Eichler Akademie (WEA). The ECHO Network project (re)presents a vision for democratising the online space and for empowering each…

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers!
News and statements

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers!

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers! On 23 and 24 February the project activities of the AKA Active Citizens project were kick-started with an exciting Training of Trainers organized by SOLIDAR Foundation on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) with all project partners in Brussels!  The AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens project aims at promoting the…

AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens

AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens is a 2-year project, coordinated by SOLIDAR Foundation, carried out in a consortium of 8 partners across Europe namely Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. The project’s primary objective is to promote democratic participation and engagement at the EU level among…

Education Policy Pill: The Aftermath of the Conference on the Future of Europe: A Turning Point for Citizenship Education?
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: The Aftermath of the Conference on the Future of Europe: A Turning Point for Citizenship Education?

The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) was a citizen-led series of debates and discussions that took place from April 2021 to May 2022. People from all over the EU had the opportunity to exchange ideas and contribute to shaping Europe’s shared future during the Conference. As a result of the conference, 49 proposals…

Education Policy Pill: What is Peace Education and how does it work in practice?
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: What is Peace Education and how does it work in practice?

This Policy Pill offers you a “dive” into SOLIDAR Foundation’s latest Policy Paper on Peace Education.With this Policy Pill, you’ll find out more on what Peace Education is, the relevant policies and how Peace Education works in practice exemplified through the work of SOLIDAR Foundation members. By bringing together academic literature on Peace Education, relevant…

Education Policy Pill: Developments of the Updated Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP)  
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: Developments of the Updated Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP)  

With the European Commission having implemented the updated Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) more than a year ago comes the time to take stock of its developments.   This gamified policy brief offers a short recap of the DEAP and SOLIDAR Foundation’s work on the topic, and then advances to an ‘interactive mindmap’ to make…