Delivering a Just Transition starts with making our economies more democratic – Report from EESC Civil Society Days Workshop
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Delivering a Just Transition starts with making our economies more democratic – Report from EESC Civil Society Days Workshop

March 18, 2022 The programme of the 2022 edition of the Civil Society Days, an annual event organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to enhance the dialogue between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and EU institutions, included the workshop “Building a Democratic Economy for a Just Transition” co-organised by SOLIDAR, Social Economy Europe, Cooperatives Europe and…

SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council
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SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council

March 15, 2022 The European Commission’s proposal for a reform of the EU borrowing and spending rules has the potential to support and encourage a socially Just green Transition. However, if governments do not signal high ambitions, the reform will only tinker around the edges. Therefore, SOLIDAR has joined the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and a…

Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis
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Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis

March 7, 2022 SOLIDAR welcomes the latest IPCC report, which provides strong scientific proof of the close interconnection between climate change, environmental degradation and the structural injustices and inequalities that pervade our societies. On 28 February, in the shadows of war once again tormenting Europe, the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

REAL DEAL | Reshaping European Advances towards green Leadership Through Deliberative Approaches and Learning

REAL DEAL | Reshaping European Advances towards green Leadership Through Deliberative Approaches and Learning

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? REAL DEAL- Reshaping European Advances towards green Leadership Through Deliberative Approaches and Learning is a 3-year research project funded by Horizon 2020. Its primary focus is on reshaping the participation of citizens and stakeholders in the context of the European Green Deal (EGD). WHY? Within this project, SOLIDAR is a…

Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union
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Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union

December 13, 2021 How do certain EU countries approach the issue of ‘Just Transition’? Do they have national Just Transition strategies? Did Just Transition only reach their national agenda recently? Is Just Transition present in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans? And what is the view of of national civil society and trade unions on Just Transition? SOLIDAR’s first ever Just…

A Just Transition must have Gender Equality at its core – SOLIDAR’s guest article to PES Women’s feminist economy brochure
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A Just Transition must have Gender Equality at its core – SOLIDAR’s guest article to PES Women’s feminist economy brochure

November 22, 2021 It is not uncommon to hear someone ask ‘What does the transition to climate neutrality have to do with gender equality, when women’s jobs are not really impacted by it, as they represent only 22% of transport workers, 32% of renewable energy workers and 10% of construction workers in Europe?’.  SOLIDAR answers this question…

COP26: Yet another missed opportunity – By Simona Fabiani, CGIL
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COP26: Yet another missed opportunity – By Simona Fabiani, CGIL

November 18, 2021 The 26th UN conference on climate change has just ended in Glasgow. In the midst of a climate emergency – the World Health Organisation calls it the greatest threat to human health in our time – the final decision was inadequate. We are aware that, considering a unanimous decision was required, it was not…