Statement: World Day of Decent Work – by SOLIDAR Secretary General Mikael Leyi

Mikael Leyi´s address on the stance of SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation on the 13th edition of World Day for Decent Work

Full statement:

“Dear friends, I am turning to you today, October 7th, on the World Day for Decent Work.

This 13th edition occurs in a time where millions of people are left behind, without a job, without an income, without any protection in the face of the ongoing economic, social and climate crisis.

Yet, this can and should be reverted!

Today, SOLIDAR therefore join our fellow unions worldwide to reiterate:

  • the need for economic equality
  • the need for a world of work that looks after workers through decent employment regulations, adecuate pension schemes, proper occupational security and safety systems and that offers everyone the possibility to grow, learn and develop as an individual
  • the need for tax justice: putting people first requires a truly progressive tax system and a bold fight against tax avoidance and tax evasion that are depriving the people and the planet of the resources we desperately need now to recover and rebuild our societies.
    It is outrageous to see that every year 88 billion dollars per year leave Africa in the form of illicit capital flight. We cannot allow this to continue!
  • the need to ensure access to quality public services and Universal Social Protection floors and systems for every person independently from his or her working conditions whether in the formal or informal economy. A first important step would be to set-up of a Global Fund for Social Protection.

And it is high time that we work together as social, popular and environmental movements for a Just transition, that leaves no-one behind on our way to achieve the Sustainable development goals. We shall push for a new social contract based on these tenets together!

The recovery plans underway and funds made available must be the starting point. We have a chance to make this right now. For the people and for the planet, for workers everywhere! I hope you have a great Decent Work Day!”

Our partner FUNDIPAX has translated the Statement in Spanish – thank you!

Image credit: ITUC