Europe is a mosaic of ways of life – What is Schinas’ take on the criminalisation of solidarity?
News and statements

Europe is a mosaic of ways of life – What is Schinas’ take on the criminalisation of solidarity?

Margaritis Schinas has an interesting background – before becoming Commissioner designate, he was the spokeperson for the European Commission and an MEP for the Greek Conservative party prior to his (first) job in the Commission. But had his background been the strongest reason for concern we would be delighted. It is his portfolio, wrongfully named Protecting the…

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights
News and statements

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights

Organising International SOLIDARity in Latin America: NGOs and Trade Unions together to promote economic and social rights In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  NGOs and trade unions from Latin American and European countries will meet in Bogotá from 8 to 10 November, with the objective of identifying joint…

BUILDING SOCIAL EUROPE: People-centered economy and participation are key to social progress in Europe
News and statements

BUILDING SOCIAL EUROPE: People-centered economy and participation are key to social progress in Europe

BUILDING SOCIAL EUROPE: People-centered economy and participation are key to social progress in Europe “Decision-makers need to look at the impact of laws and policies on people’s lives and develop an economic model inclusive of all”, concluded participants at Social Platform’s ‘Building Social Europe’ Flagship Conference in Helsinki. At the three-day gathering, in which SOLIDAR…

Tunisia brings together about 100 participants of southern civil society in the framework of the structured dialogue with the European Union MAJALAT
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Tunisia brings together about 100 participants of southern civil society in the framework of the structured dialogue with the European Union MAJALAT

The second edition of the Civil Society South Seminar was held last week in Tunisia (on 3 and 4 September), gathering together around 100 representatives of southern civil society. This encounter, framed on the Majalat initiative – a programme funded by the European Union to encourage a structured dialogue with civil society in the Southern…

Civil society demands a more social European Semester
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Civil society demands a more social European Semester

Civil society demands a more social European Semester This week, on 12 September, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted a public hearing on civil society’s contribution to the next European Semester cycle. A wide range of civil society organisations came together to discuss how to make their voices heard more clearly throughout the…

Bringing the voice of civil society into the reporting on Sustainable Development Goals: SOLIDAR and IDC input into Serbia’s VNR
News and statements

Bringing the voice of civil society into the reporting on Sustainable Development Goals: SOLIDAR and IDC input into Serbia’s VNR

This week, on 17 July 2019, SOLIDAR – together with its Serbian member IDC – followed and actively participated to the Voluntary National Review (VNR) of the Republic of Serbia held in the framework of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). The VNRs are country-led and country-driven reviews undertaken to assess progress on the…

Monitoring migration governance: IOM launches its Migration Governance Indicators to better implement SDG 10.7
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Monitoring migration governance: IOM launches its Migration Governance Indicators to better implement SDG 10.7

Monitoring migration governance: IOM launches its Migration Governance Indicators to better implement SDG 10.7 In the framework of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York, SOLIDAR and IDC participated in the launch of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). The MGI was developed to help countries assess the…

Next migration agenda: It’s time for concrete actions not only promises
News and statements

Next migration agenda: It’s time for concrete actions not only promises

The new European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented her plans and objectives on migration. She declared that “the European Union can and must defend these values. The European Union needs humane borders. We must save, but saving alone is not enough. We must reduce irregular migration, we must fight smugglers and traffickers—it is…

SOLIDAR at the UN High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development: bringing the CSOs voice into governmental reporting
News and statements

SOLIDAR at the UN High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development: bringing the CSOs voice into governmental reporting

SOLIDAR at the UN High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development: bringing the CSOs voice into governmental reporting This year, SOLIDAR will be in New York to participate in the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) 2019. The HLPF is a central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and…