Accent on a security approach is not the way
News and statements

Accent on a security approach is not the way

In its conclusions the European Council states: We are determined to further develop a fully functioning comprehensive migration policy. We will continue and deepen our cooperation with countries of origin and transit to fight illegal migration and human trafficking and to ensure effective returns. Concerning the internal dimension, we need agreement on an effective migration…

World Refugees Day 2019 – SOLIDAR statement and recommendations
News and statements

World Refugees Day 2019 – SOLIDAR statement and recommendations

The World Refugees Day should remind the importance of a fair and concrete migration policy for the management of the arrivals of refugees in Europe and worldwide. Six months ago the United Nations General Assembly affirmed the Global Compact on Refugees as common framework for more predictable and equitable responsibility-sharing, recognizing that a sustainable solution…

Open letter to EU leaders from 150 organisations: Our sustainable future must start now
News and statements

Open letter to EU leaders from 150 organisations: Our sustainable future must start now

On 11 June 2019, an open letter prepared by Concord Europe, Social Platform and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and signed by 150 civil society organisations in Europe, including SOLIDAR, was sent to 28 Heads of State and Government and published on Euractiv. The letter openly calls on EU leaders to make sustainable development the overarching…

SOLIDAR statement on Country Specific Recommendations 2019
News and statements

SOLIDAR statement on Country Specific Recommendations 2019

SOLIDAR statement on Country Specific Recommendations 2019 Background: The European Commission presented the Spring Package of the European Semester 2019. The country-specific recommendations (CSRs) have been published to give economic and social policy guidance to EU Member States for the upcoming 12 to 18 months. The Council will now need to adopt the country-specific recommendations…

Stories of Change: SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and Worldwide
News and statements

Stories of Change: SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and Worldwide

Stories of Change: SOLIDAR Network contribution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe and Worldwide On 25 September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  ‘Successor’ of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the 2030 Agenda represents the ‘new’ global consensus on how to move towards more equal and inclusive…

SOLIDAR at the 108th ILO Conference: Social Justice at the core of long lasting peace
News and statements

SOLIDAR at the 108th ILO Conference: Social Justice at the core of long lasting peace

As every year, also in 2019, SOLIDAR will be in Geneva to participate in the International Labour Organisation Conference (ILO ILC). The ILO is the oldest United Nations Agency promoting social justice, a fair Globalisation, and Decent Work. Its main function is to set up international standards on labour and social rights and closely monitor their respect…

Vote for an open civic space, vote for democracy!
News and statements

Vote for an open civic space, vote for democracy!

Vote for an open civic space, vote for democracy! 13 EU Member States don’t have an open civic space. The freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and/or speech is not fully respected. Civil Society Organisations’ (CSOs) ability to operate is hampered if not criminalised. Hungary, Italy, and Poland are a warning that cannot be ignored. Nationalists, the…