SIRIUS project publication: Social Partners – enablers and barriers for newcomers’ integration
News and statements

SIRIUS project publication: Social Partners – enablers and barriers for newcomers’ integration

On 2 March 2020, the SIRIUS (Skill and integration of migrants, refugees and asylum applicants in the European Labour Markets) project Consortium has released the fruition of 6 months-worth of research run by researchers from the Glasgow Caledonian University on social partners’ role in the integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market. Comprising…

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020
News and statements

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020 Date butoir pour soumettre les propositions: 27 avril 2020 à 24h00, heure de Bruxelles (DÉLAI PROLONGÉ). SOLIDAR publie un Appel à candidatures dans le cadre de son programme « Organising International Solidarity (OIS) financé par l’Union Européenne (UE). Ce mécanisme vise à renforcer les actions communes de plaidoyer entre les Organisations de…

Convocatoria de Propuestas para Subvenciones en Cascada 2020
News and statements

Convocatoria de Propuestas para Subvenciones en Cascada 2020

Convocatoria de Propuestas para Subvenciones en Cascada 2020 PLAZO PARA PRESENTAR LA PROPUESTA: 27 DE ABRIL DE 2020, 24h00 hora de Bruselas (PLAZO EXTENDIDO). SOLIDAR está lanzando una convocatoria de propuestas como parte de su programa Organizando la Solidaridad Internacional (OSI), financiado por la Unión Europea (UE). Este mecanismo tiene como objetivo reforzar las acciones conjuntas de incidencia…

Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2020
News and statements

Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2020

Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2020 DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS: 27 APRIL 2020, 24h00 Brussels time (DEADLINE EXTENDED). SOLIDAR is launching a Call for Proposals as part of its Organising International Solidarity (OIS) programme, funded by the European Union (EU). This mechanism aims to reinforce joint advocacy actions by local CSOs, SOLIDAR members and partners focusing on…

Silver Rose 2020 Awardees
News and statements

Silver Rose 2020 Awardees

Presenting the 2020 Silver Rose Awardees, in the words of who nominated them… Since the year 2000, SOLIDAR organises annually its Silver Rose Awards in the European Parliament in cooperation with the S&D Group, an occasion to celebrate Civil Society Organisations and individuals whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. We are proud to…

Statement on EU Commission’s plan: We cannot wait another year for a strong Social Europe!
News and statements

Statement on EU Commission’s plan: We cannot wait another year for a strong Social Europe!

Statement on EU Commission’s plan: We cannot wait another year for a strong Social Europe! Yesterday, the European Commission presented its roadmap for the development of an action plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights. SOLIDAR is pleased to see that our political leaders at the highest level are showing commitment to achieving the goals of…

Statement: International Migrants’ Day – a humanitarian matter
News and statements

Statement: International Migrants’ Day – a humanitarian matter

On the occasion of 2019 International Migrants’ Day, SOLIDAR calls for driving the discourse on migration towards a more humanitarian and human-driven approach. We ask the European Commission to consider migration as a humanitarian matter, more than a security problem. People migrating to Europe are fleeing conditions that risk their lives. We need to welcome…