Let’s talk real and clear the field of false problems
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Let’s talk real and clear the field of false problems

Let’s talk real and clear the field of false problems Citizens’ trust in Civil Society Organisations remains high because CSOs stay grounded through their concrete commitments. We have taken the same approach in the run-up to the European elections. The EU is trapped in a cycle of increasing income inequality, exacerbated by the reduction in…

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe
News and statements

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe

The Porto Social Summit is yet another step to a Social Europe This weekend, apart from the 71st celebration of Europe Day, the Social Summit in Porto (Portugal) was a crucial event, 4 years after the establishment of the Pillar of Social Rights. The Declaration and Commitments emanating from the meeting, including the resounding commitment to the EPSR Action Plan, together with trade unions and civil…

Building back better needs strong trade unions: SOLIDAR message on May Day
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Building back better needs strong trade unions: SOLIDAR message on May Day

Social justice, social dialogue, social rights and feminism are key elements for a sustainable, fair, human-centred and resilient recovery in a just transition.  On May 1st, International Workers’ Day, the second we are living in this context of a global pandemic, SOLIDAR celebrates the international workers’ movement and trade unions’ work to achieve social justice all around the world.  Trade unions are the backbone of sound democracies and indispensable partners to ensure a human-centered just recovery from the COVID-19…

Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?
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Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?

Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready? On 7-9 April, SOLIDAR Foundation organized, in partnership with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), its annual conference for launching the 5th edition of its flagship publication: the Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020. Over three days of online panel discussions, the Monitor…

Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges
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Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges

Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges On 24-26 March 2021, SOLIDAR Foundation organized its annual study visit for member organisations, in partnership with the International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations (IFWEA) and ABF Sweden. Over 40 participants from across the world joined the online study visit, titled ‘Learning from Each Other to Build Digital and Sustainable Societies’, with the…

Promoting peace and preserving the environment: Awà indigenous women meet MEP Mónica Silvana González
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Promoting peace and preserving the environment: Awà indigenous women meet MEP Mónica Silvana González

Five years after the Colombia Peace Agreement was signed between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), inequality and violence continue to persist in the country, affecting especially marginalised people and those fighting for their rights, in particular human rights defenders and indigenous community leaders. Among the latter, the Awá community, composed…

Small Grant Facility call for proposals 2021
News and statements

Small Grant Facility call for proposals 2021

(French and Spanish versions below – Versions française et espagnole ci-dessous – Versiones en español y francés debajo) Organising International Solidarity – Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2021  DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL: 16 MAY 2021, 24h00 Brussels time  SOLIDAR is launching a Call for Proposals as part of its Organising International Solidarity (OIS) programme, funded by the European Union (EU). This…