AKA Active Citizens – New Project starting in November!
News and statements

AKA Active Citizens – New Project starting in November!

SOLIDAR Foundation is excited to announce that in November the project AKA Active Citizens will be launched and implemented together with 8 other organisations! AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens is a project co-funded by the CERV Programme. It will aim at promoting the democratic participation and engagement at EU level of young citizens with vulnerable…

ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November!
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ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November!

ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November! SOLIDAR Foundation is proud to announce that it will join the consortium of the Erasmus+ funded project ECHO Network (Ethical Common Human Open Source network). Coordinated by our French member, CEMEA, and reuniting as partners SOLIDAR Foundation members from Croatia (Centre…

ValUE – Solidarity Matters: Celebrating a Solidary European Citizenship
News and statements

ValUE – Solidarity Matters: Celebrating a Solidary European Citizenship

On July 12, SOLIDAR Foundation co-organized with Volonteurope, the concluding event of the ValUE – Solidarity Matters in a Leading Europe in a hybrid format in Brussels. Carried out by a consortium comprising 11 partners and coordinated by SOLIDAR Foundation, the ValUE project which was co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme, provided the participants involved with a deeper…

A Bottom-up Approach for a Safer Online Environment: The Results of #YouthAgainstCyberBullying
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A Bottom-up Approach for a Safer Online Environment: The Results of #YouthAgainstCyberBullying

On July 12, SOLIDAR Foundation hosted in a hybrid format in Brussels the final conference of the Erasmus+ co-funded project #YouthAgainstCyberbullying. The project involved Solidar Foundation, ARCI Liguria (Italy), CEMEA (France), FIC (Denmark), IDC (Serbia), Progressive (Hungary) and Solidarna (Croatia) for the development of concrete tools to combat cyberbullying, disseminated through multiplier events engaging hundreds of young people. Consisting of two sessions, the conference touched first upon the main…

EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: solidarity declarations are welcome, but will remain meaningless without a binding commitment
News and statements

EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: solidarity declarations are welcome, but will remain meaningless without a binding commitment

Under the lead of the French Presidency, political agreements were reached and formal adoptions were passed during the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Councils of the 10 June and Coreper meeting of 22 June, on some proposals of the Pact on Migration and Asylum: the Screening procedure, the revised Eurodac database, the Schengen Borders Code,…

European Peace Conference “Charting a path for common security in Europe” | Event Report
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European Peace Conference “Charting a path for common security in Europe” | Event Report

On June 1, SOLIDAR oganised a European Peace Conference titled “Charting a path for common security in Europe”, which was hosted by SOLIDAR’s member Foundation For European Progressive Studies (FEPS). SOLIDAR gathered with members, partners and progressive allies to discuss the current developments after the gruesome Russian invasion of Ukraine and their impact. The aim was to…

Peace Education as a Lifelong Learning Means to European Democracy
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Peace Education as a Lifelong Learning Means to European Democracy

On June the 15th, SOLIDAR Foundation launched its annual work on the topic of Peace Education and notably on the role of non-formal and informal learning for the citizenry to develop the competences that are needed to advance democracy in our societies. At times of warfare on European soil, the long-standing work of our members…

Just Transition takes center stage at “Stockholm+50” UN Environmental Conference
News and statements

Just Transition takes center stage at “Stockholm+50” UN Environmental Conference

June 07 2022 SOLIDAR and its member organisation Olof Palme International Center, as well as partners such as FEPS and ITUC, held a side event titled “Just Transition: The path to a healthy planet for the prosperity of all” in the framework of the UN Conference Stockholm+50, a major international environmental meeting taking place in Stockholm on…