Croatia’s shrinking civic space and its effect on EES: Read Croatia’s Country Report of the CLL Monitor 2021
News and statements

Croatia’s shrinking civic space and its effect on EES: Read Croatia’s Country Report of the CLL Monitor 2021

Croatia’s shrinking civic space and its effect on EES: Read Croatia’s Country Report of the CLL Monitor 2021 From 20 until 22 September 2022 SOLIDAR members and partners came together in Zagreb, Croatia for a Study Visit. Over three days, they reflected and exchanged views on Education for Inclusive and Democratic Societies and elaborated on…

New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success?
News and statements

New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success?

New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success? On 30 June, the European Commission published a new Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success accompanied by an Annex which proposes a new policy framework. The Proposal is meant to replace the 2011 Council Recommendation on policies to reduce…

2nd Civil Society Forum for Sustainability – Shaping the European Green Deal
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2nd Civil Society Forum for Sustainability – Shaping the European Green Deal

September 27, 2022 More than 40 civil society organisations from across Europe gathered online for the second edition of the “Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal” on the 21st and 22nd of September, for two half-days of lively debate and discussion.  Organised in the framework of the REAL DEAL project, the Civil Society…

thematic Small Grant Facility call for proposals
News and statements

thematic Small Grant Facility call for proposals

(French and Spanish versions below – Versions française et espagnole ci-dessous – Versiones en español y francés debajo) Organising International Solidarity – Thematic Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2022 DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL: 6 NOVEMBER 2022, 24h00 Brussels time  SOLIDAR is launching a thematic Call for Proposals as part of its Organising International Solidarity (OIS) programme, funded by…

ELF & SAF Study Visit: Education for Inclusive and Democratic Societies
News and statements

ELF & SAF Study Visit: Education for Inclusive and Democratic Societies

On 20-22 September 2022, SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation organized a joint SAF & ELF study visit hosted in Zagreb, Croatia by SOLIDAR member Centre for Peace Studies (CPS).   This year, the Study Visit focused on Education for Inclusive and Democratic Societies and elaborated on Global Citizenship Education – including Peace Education, Gender Equality and Interculturalism. Members and partners…

An inclusive journey to peace: Peace Education as a public good | SOLIDAR Foundation Statement
News and statements

An inclusive journey to peace: Peace Education as a public good | SOLIDAR Foundation Statement

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, it is crucial for SOLIDAR Foundation to underline the importance of Peace Education, particularly in the current political situation.  While the world counts several open conflicts, including in Europe, SOLIDAR Foundation members come together in Zagreb to reaffirm peace education as a tool for achieving learning and…

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition
News and statements

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition

As indicated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in its Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a fundamental dimension of Just Transition.   This year on June the 10th, during the 110th International Labour Conference in Geneva, delegates adopted a ground-breaking resolution, adding…