Why adopting the Social Climate Fund is the right choice for the EU – Joint statement by social and climate NGOs
News and statements

Why adopting the Social Climate Fund is the right choice for the EU – Joint statement by social and climate NGOs

Ahead of the vote in the plenary session of the European Parliament on 18 April 2023, 17 entities, including NGOs working on social and climate issues and green business, published a joint statement in support of the Social Climate Fund, the first EU Fund specifically dedicated to provide financial support to vulnerable households, transport users and micro-enterprises in the…

Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23
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Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23

Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Future of Democracy – Civil Society Days ’23 Citizens having more room to guide the discussions and having more participation in decision-making processes are key aspects to ensure the future of participatory and deliberative democracy within the EU. In early March, during the EESC Civil Society Days, the Workshop Session…

Just Transition, Human Rights and civil society participation: SOLIDAR meets in Guatemala
News and statements

Just Transition, Human Rights and civil society participation: SOLIDAR meets in Guatemala

How can we ensure a just and fair transition in Latin America? How can we learn from indigenous communities? What are the opportunities for civil society and trade unions to provide expertise to the European Union ahead of the upcoming EU-CELAC Summit? These are the key questions that we will discuss in Antigua, Guatemala, from…

EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU
News and statements

EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU

EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU The High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU, which met between November 2021 and December 2022, had the task to draft and present…

SOLIDAR STATEMENT: One year of war in Ukraine, the European commitment to common security must remain!
News and statements

SOLIDAR STATEMENT: One year of war in Ukraine, the European commitment to common security must remain!

A year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine in a large-scale war effort. A year of atrocities, millions forced to flee, tens of thousands of dead, raped and tortured, illegal annexations and perpetual war crimes. As things stand, there is no end in sight, but rather worrying and extremely dangerous signs of escalation. We condemn…

News and statements


SOLIDAR calls for a Just Transition towards Social Justice globally. Today, 20th February, SOLIDAR celebrates, together with its members, the World Day of Social Justice and organises for the respect of human rights, climate action, equity, social justice and peace.  Ensuring that the green transition towards climate neutrality is Just and Fair and includes all countries across…

Myrtle Witbooi, President of the International Domestic Workers’ Federation, passed away
News and statements

Myrtle Witbooi, President of the International Domestic Workers’ Federation, passed away

On 16 January 2023, Myrtle Witbooi, President of the International Domestic Workers’ Federation (IDWF) passed away, after a long battle with cancer. The whole SOLIDAR family is heartbroken at the news and sends its deepest condolences to IDWF, her family and her comrades all around the world. Myrtle Witbooi had been a courageous fighter all her life,…

Social Goals for the European Green Deal – How can we ensure a Just Transition?
News and statements

Social Goals for the European Green Deal – How can we ensure a Just Transition?

In light of global warming, the occurrence of extreme weather events, the radically growing energy prices and the EU’s dependence on oil and gas, now more than ever, we must strengthen all efforts to make the transition to a carbon-free and sustainable economy and society a reality in Europe and beyond. However, the transition to…