OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy

SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation, along with 80 MEPs and civil society organisations ( amongst them Transparency International EUEuropean Humanist Federation, Access Info EuropeThe Good LobbyCorporate Europe Observatory , ILGA-Europe , WeMove Europe,  Alliance4Europe), has signed an open letter to the European Commission and the European Council, urging them to condemn the latest developments in Hungary and take decisive action:

“Exceptional times, of course, demand exceptional measures and it may be legitimate for governments to temporarily use extraordinary powers to manage the situation. Nevertheless, even in a crisis, these measures must be time-limited and proportionate. We cannot allow unscrupulous political actors to use the current climate as a pretext for dismantling democracy and undermining the rule of law”.

Read full text in the site of Transparency International.

Picture source: Transparency International.