Let’s talk real and clear the field of false problems

Citizens’ trust in Civil Society Organisations remains high because CSOs stay grounded through their concrete commitments. We have taken the same approach in the run-up to the European elections.

The EU is trapped in a cycle of increasing income inequality, exacerbated by the reduction in welfare policies to redistribute wealth and support low-income families. It is trapped in broken social mobility mechanisms, worsened by greedy capitalists and a weakened political system that reduces social rights. These are the reasons behind Europeans’ anxiety for the future.   

We must debunk the myth that migration is the cause for citizens’ problems. Migrants and refugees have been used by nationalist liars – and Conservatives’ complacency – as a scapegoat to take people’s attention away from real problems.

Let’s continue to talk about the realities: migrants, asylum seekers and refugees are not the reason for the ongoing social challenges in Europe. But it doesn’t mean that we should ignore migration flows and its causes. The so-called migration emergency is a humanitarian crisis and it requires humanitarian solutions: we need a full humanitarian mandate by the EU in cooperation with NGOs to rescue migrants at sea and we need to put in place a lawful and safer system of regular migration channels, such as humanitarian corridors. This is the best way to solve the tragedy taking place on our shores. Sealing borders is inhumane and it doesn’t work. Nor does patrolling and militarising borders. Only by putting people first can we successfully address this crisis, and facilitate the reception and the integration of migrants in the EU. To do so, we need to reform the Dublin Regulation. Orbàn, Le Pen, Salvini and Meuthen are blatantly lying when they say they want to change the EU to make it work better. They didn’t even support each other in the Council to overcome the current institutional impasse and reform the Dublin Regulation. They may shout louder than others but they don’t deliver anything.

Fear has never led to improved social conditions. A vision for the future based on social investment does, however. For this reason, we condemn the EU’s lack of action and the inability of Member States to coordinate in solidarity to address the root cause of both migration and social distress in Europe: inequality.

Casting our vote for political parties that put people first and adopt a humanitarian approach towards migration is essential to preserve our dignity. Casting our vote for political parties that have a vision entailing sustainable development for all and tackling inequalities in the EU and using the external action of the EU to tackle it worldwide is the only way we can look to a future worth living in. All the rest is a regressive narrative that breeds hatred just to win a few more seats.

We want the EU to move forward. We want the EU to tackle global challenges with bold, progressive policies to advance social progress for all. On election day we can make a difference. Let’s make it massive by standing together to vote for a progressive agenda for the EU!