ELF & SAF Peer Learning Activity | Social Portrait of Patras, Greece

On 5-6 September, the SAF and ELF teams of SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation were hosted by DAFNI KEK in Patras, Greece.
During the Peer Learning Activity, DAFNI KEK presented its work whose aim is to foster a more engaged and empowered society through its pillars: access and participation in non-formal and informal learning (Safe Spaces project) and identification of skills (ProfilPASS), and migrant integration and empowerment. Connected to the first pillar of interest, the organisation introduced the Safe Spaces for learning project, whose main aims are to strive for social inclusion and change by improving and extending the supply of high-quality learning opportunities for adults. Moreover, the hosting organisation also presented the BEEP (Basic Education for Empowerment for Political Participation) project. The project strives to support people belonging to marginalised groups to actively take part in political processes on issues such as city planning, communal budgeting etc. This will increase their feeling of belonging and enhance their belief in democracy.
The participants had discussions with local stakeholders and were given insights into the Social Portrait of Patras in a guided tour, sharing their insights on accessibility, employment, innovation, volunteering and education opportunities in Patras.