#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities

In a communication on 28th March 2020, the MAJALAT consortium announced:

“Due to the exceptional circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from public health authorities, the Majalat Consortium announced the postponement of all the thematic workshops which were to be held in the period between March and May 2020. The implementation of national projects retained under the 2020 call for projects is also postponed (the bidders will be contacted shortly).

Information on an alternative Majalat activities’ work plan and timetable will be communicated soon.

To continue strengthening information and the capacities of civil society, the Majalat digital platform will soon open up new spaces for discussion and training.

Take care of yourself and your communities in these difficult times when solidarity and mutual aid between persons and peoples is more essential than ever, especially for the most vulnerable, the poorest and the most marginalized.”

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