A landmark step toward peace: Ireland, Spain and Norway recognise the State of Palestine  

This May 28th, SOLIDAR welcomes the historical decision of two European Union’s (EU) Member States – Ireland and Spain – and Norway to recognise the State of Palestine.   

Since 2021, SOLIDAR has been campaigning for this recognition as a necessary step towards the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the creation of a lasting peace in the region.  

Today, more than ever, it is necessary for more countries to follow this example and also for the European Union to get involved”, said Mikael Leyi, Secretary General of SOLIDAR.  

He continued “this recognition needs to be accompanied by much stronger actions from EU member states and the UN right now: a call for a permanent ceasefire from both sides and the liberation of all civil hostages; ensure access to and supply of humanitarian aid; the guarantee of the respect of human rights, international law and International Humanitarian Law”.   

The decision by Ireland, Spain and Norway marks a historic milestone made possible also thanks to the relentless mobilizations and actions by Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions. This recognition “reinforces the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and underlines the importance of dialogue and negotiation to achieve a two-state solution and rights for all Palestinian people in accordance with relevant international resolutions”, it “strengthens the international commitment to peace: the formal recognition by Spain is a clear message to the international community about the need to support peaceful and negotiated solutions in the Middle East” said the Spanish Platform for the Recognition of the Palestinian State

Moreover “this recognition is a significant step in the protection of the human rights of the Palestinian people, who have been suffering for decades from the effects of the Israeli occupation on their natural resources, land, water and gas; and other economic, social, legal, etc. aspects” it continued.  

You can read the full statement in Spanish. 

SOLIDAR hopes other countries will follow this example and call on the EU to step up diplomatic efforts and concrete actions for a just and lasting peace.  

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