Time for EU Leaders to Choose a Just Energy Transition and a Stronger Social Europe
News and statements

Time for EU Leaders to Choose a Just Energy Transition and a Stronger Social Europe

May 30, 2022 SOLIDAR and FEPS call on leaders in Europe to put in place transformative action aimed at making our societies and economies peaceful, equitable and climate-neutral, starting with ensuring a rapid and just energy transition and building a stronger social Europe. We live in times of recurrent and mutually reinforcing global crises. The…

Coming up: Civil Society Forum for Sustainability – Shaping the European Green Deal
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Coming up: Civil Society Forum for Sustainability – Shaping the European Green Deal

May 11, 2022 On 9 and 10 June 2022, Civil Society Organisations with an interest in sustainability, a socially Just Transition and climate and environmental action will gather in Brussels to conduct a mid-term review of the European Green Deal. In the framework of the Real Deal project funded by the EU programme Horizon 2020, SOLIDAR, the European Environmental…

a Just Transition in France and the role of grassroots movements
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a Just Transition in France and the role of grassroots movements

May 10, 2022 SOLIDAR and its members La Ligue de l’Enseignement and Ceméa celebrated Europe Day with a roundtable discussion on a Just Transition in France and the EU, and on the role played by grassroots movements in connecting social justice with climate action. The roundtable, which gathered over 30 participants and was held in French,…

“Choosing the Right Path at this Turning Point in History” – Joint letter by SOLIDAR, EEB, SDG Watch Europe and YFJ
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“Choosing the Right Path at this Turning Point in History” – Joint letter by SOLIDAR, EEB, SDG Watch Europe and YFJ

April 21, 2022 The EEB, SDG Watch Europe, the European Youth Forum and SOLIDAR, with the support of 65+ other civil society organisations, call for solidarity and a strong commitment to the ecological and social transition for resilience, energy independence and peace. Russia’s war against Ukraine is a horrific act of aggression and a failure of diplomacy. It…

Delivering a Just Transition starts with making our economies more democratic – Report from EESC Civil Society Days Workshop
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Delivering a Just Transition starts with making our economies more democratic – Report from EESC Civil Society Days Workshop

March 18, 2022 The programme of the 2022 edition of the Civil Society Days, an annual event organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to enhance the dialogue between Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and EU institutions, included the workshop “Building a Democratic Economy for a Just Transition” co-organised by SOLIDAR, Social Economy Europe, Cooperatives Europe and…

SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council
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SOLIDAR and more than 270 organizations and academics request ambitious fiscal reform plans from ECOFIN Council

March 15, 2022 The European Commission’s proposal for a reform of the EU borrowing and spending rules has the potential to support and encourage a socially Just green Transition. However, if governments do not signal high ambitions, the reform will only tinker around the edges. Therefore, SOLIDAR has joined the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and a…

Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis
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Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis

March 7, 2022 SOLIDAR welcomes the latest IPCC report, which provides strong scientific proof of the close interconnection between climate change, environmental degradation and the structural injustices and inequalities that pervade our societies. On 28 February, in the shadows of war once again tormenting Europe, the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…