Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel
News and statements

Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel

Palestine: call for effective measures to stop annexations by Israel 1st of July was the announced date for the beginning of the Israeli plan to annex more than 30% of the occupied West Bank.   Faced with great uncertainty about whether Israel will finally go ahead with the annexation initiative, which has generated international condemnation from some…

International Workers´ Day – Central America’s maquilas workers: falling off the boat in the coronavirus storm?
News and statements

International Workers´ Day – Central America’s maquilas workers: falling off the boat in the coronavirus storm?

International Workers´ Day – Central America’s maquilas workers: falling off the boat in the coronavirus storm? With almost 25 million jobs predicted to be lost as a consequence of the COVID-19, it is clear that the pandemic is not a health crisis only, it is an economic and social crisis.  Among the sectors whose workers are being strongly…

Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis
News and statements

Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis

Left behind?: Maquila workers in Central America and the COVID19 crisis About 400.000 people working in the maquilas (factories in the free trade zone) in Central America, are at risk to be left behind due to the coronavirus crisis. The group includes mostly women, many of them poor, with low level of education, single mothers, head of…

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold!
News and statements

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold!

Impact of COVID-19 in Central America: Economic and Social Rights cannot be kept on hold! SOLIDAR members in Central America joined together to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the region, looking particularly to economic and social rights – enabling environment, decent work and access to health. This analysis also includes recommendations to the European Union to…

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities
News and statements

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities

#Covid19 –Majalat postpones its program of activities In a communication on 28th March 2020, the MAJALAT consortium announced: “Due to the exceptional circumstances linked to the COVID-19 pandemic and based on recommendations from public health authorities, the Majalat Consortium announced the postponement of all the thematic workshops which were to be held in the period…

Statement: International Migrants’ Day – a humanitarian matter
News and statements

Statement: International Migrants’ Day – a humanitarian matter

On the occasion of 2019 International Migrants’ Day, SOLIDAR calls for driving the discourse on migration towards a more humanitarian and human-driven approach. We ask the European Commission to consider migration as a humanitarian matter, more than a security problem. People migrating to Europe are fleeing conditions that risk their lives. We need to welcome…

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region
News and statements

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region On 2 and 3 December, more than 130 civil society organisations from the southern Mediterranean shore met with representatives of the European Institutions in Brussels in the second edition of the Civil Society Forum. This forum is part of the EU-funded MAJALAT initiative, which…

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America
News and statements

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  70 civil society organisations and trade unions, representing 18 countries from Latin America and Europe, met in Bogotá (Colombia) from 8  to 10 November, to  exchange…