SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies
News and statements

SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies

The 7th edition of Sabir Festival took place from 28th to 30th October 2021 in Lecce, Italy, under the title ‘’The frontier of rights and the pandemic’’. Sabir, the festival of Mediterranean cultures, is co-organised yearly by SOLIDAR members ARCI and CGIL, along with Italian organisations ACLI, Caritas Italiana, ASGI and Carta di Roma. This…

Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and the EU – stop push backs at the Belarus border!
News and statements

Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and the EU – stop push backs at the Belarus border!

Migrants are the only victims as Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and the EU are battling for border control and political gains. Ever since the illegitimate president of Belarus, Alexandar Lukashenko, made true of his threat to ‘’flood Europe with migrants and drugs’’, thousands of migrants are caught in a geopolitical play with deadly outcomes.   Belarus has effectively opened a new migrant route to…

ETUC and ITUC calls on the EU Council and EU Member States to recognize the State of Palestine
News and statements

ETUC and ITUC calls on the EU Council and EU Member States to recognize the State of Palestine

In view of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) that will take place on October 18th, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) have sent a letter asking the EU Council and EU Member States to recognize the State of Palestine.  The letter recalls EU’s obligation to promote respect for human rights in…

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: 
An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work Climate change and environmental degradation are some of the most pressing challenges of our times. The European Union’s answer to these challenges has been the introduction of a Green Deal for Europe, a policy strategy aimed at promoting reforms towards the…

LEGAL PATHWAYS FOR MIGRATION: Setting the right priorities for a sustainable EU-Africa partnership

LEGAL PATHWAYS FOR MIGRATION: Setting the right priorities for a sustainable EU-Africa partnership

LEGAL PATHWAYS FOR MIGRATION: Setting the right priorities for a sustainable EU-Africa partnership Decisions on the volume of admissions of people coming from third countries to seek work is the exclusive competence of each individual Member State. Yet, the Commission can promote, facilitate, and support the creation of new legal migration pathways across Europe. In…