Every Life Counts: SOLIDAR joins call to end EU exports of hazardous pesticides  
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Every Life Counts: SOLIDAR joins call to end EU exports of hazardous pesticides  

SOLIDAR has proudly joined forces with more than 200 other organisations to sign a joint letter calling for a ban on EU production and exports of banned and hazardous pesticides. Ahead of the informal meeting of EU leaders that took place on June 17th to discuss the Strategic Agenda for the next legislative cycle, this…

Solidarity protests with Palestinian people banned in at least 12 EU countries, finds new analysis, six months on from the horrific Hamas attack on 7 October
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Solidarity protests with Palestinian people banned in at least 12 EU countries, finds new analysis, six months on from the horrific Hamas attack on 7 October

Protests banned on grounds of protecting ‘public order’ and ‘security’ The European Civic Forum, Civil Liberties Union for Europe, CIVICUS, European Network Against Racism and Solidar are calling on the European Commission to address at the highest political level the unlawful restrictions on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and expression imposed by member states since the dramatic escalation of violence…

Three years after the Coup: EU’s Actions for Freedom and Dignity in Myanmar
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Three years after the Coup: EU’s Actions for Freedom and Dignity in Myanmar

Three years after the Coup: EU’s Actions for Freedom and Dignity in Myanmar February 1st marked the sad third anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar. Since then, thousands of activists and trade unionists have been arbitrarily arrested, tortured, killed, and exposed to “abuses that amount to crimes against humanity” (Human Rights World Report 2023)….

EU-CELAC Summit: civil society mobilises for an ambitious renewed partnership
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EU-CELAC Summit: civil society mobilises for an ambitious renewed partnership

After a relative silence on the bi-regional agenda, the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC) will renew their strategic partnership with the holding of the 3rd EU-CELAC Summit (17-18 July 2023 in Brussels).  Ahead of the Summit, CSOs have mobilised to call for a bi-regional partnership that promotes sustainable development and human…

SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education
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SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education

SOLIDAR Foundation Policy Recommendations on Peace Education In 2022, SOLIDAR Foundation’s work revolved around the theme of Peace Education as a tool for achieving learning and sustainable societies. As the culmination of a whole year of activities, a Policy Paper on Peace Education titled A Sustainable Journey to Peace: Peace Education in the Context of Global Citizenship…

ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education
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ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education

ECHO Network Study Visit Berlin – Social Media and Political Education From 28 until 30 March the first Study Visit in the framework of the ECHO Network project took place in Berlin, organized by SOLIDAR Foundation’s member Willi Eichler Akademie (WEA). The ECHO Network project (re)presents a vision for democratising the online space and for empowering each…

Countering Shrinking Space in Palestine
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Countering Shrinking Space in Palestine

To mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People SOLIDAR, in collaboration with EuroMed Rights, hosted a webinar dedicated to the topic of Countering Shrinking Space and the promotion of human rights in Palestine and Israel. The webinar looked into the situation of the Palestinian people living under occupation, including the constantly shrinking space for…