SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe

This project is closed and ran between 2020 and 2023. WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The project SMILE – Social Meaning Impact through Lifelong Learning universities in Europe – aims to achieve inclusive higher education by providing higher education institutions with the tools to deal with diversity and social inclusion. WHY? The first principle of…

Social Rights Monitor 2020 and Country Reports

Social Rights Monitor 2020 and Country Reports

We are proud to present the second edition of SOLIDAR’s Social Rights Monitor that provides an insight into the state of social rights in different European countries. This edition reports on 14 countries from the European Union – Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and the Netherlands; two candidate…

Social Rights Monitor 2020 – European Trends

Social Rights Monitor 2020 – European Trends

November 30, 2020 SOLIDAR and Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) publish the European Trends of the Social Rights Monitor 2020. This document was discussed during the celebration of the annual conference “Joining Forces for a socially sustainable post-Covid Europe”. The second edition of this flagship publication complements the European Semester’s indicators with insights on the state of social rights and civic space across 17 countries in Europe, based…

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation?
News and statements

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation?

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation? SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR FOUNDATION welcome Ursula von der Leyen’s recognition of the fragility of the current system amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. President von der Leyen has echoed the sentiment of SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation’s Secretary General Mikael Leyi on the need to establish a new normality in…

9 May Statement: “No Europe Day, without a Green and Social Europe”
News and statements

9 May Statement: “No Europe Day, without a Green and Social Europe”

9 May Statement: “No Europe Day, without a Green and Social Europe” May 9th, Europe Day’s celebration, comes in difficult times for Europe and the European project. The need for building a real Social Europe and finding a way out of the crisis, that puts the continent on a sustainable path, has never been greater. Boosting…

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

Briefing Paper 95 – Protecting the most vulnerable in society: Migration and COVID-19

April 7, 2020 In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (MRAs) lack access to health institutions and, if living in refugee camps and in reception centres, they live in close, confined spaces where social distancing is not possible. How can they be asked to perform this act of social responsibility…