The People’s Green Deal: Citizens’ Participation in Europe’s Sustainability Agenda

The People’s Green Deal: Citizens’ Participation in Europe’s Sustainability Agenda

A key element of legitimate policymaking is enabling the meaningful participation and deliberation of citizens, amplifying their voices, and ensuring they are heard and reflected in the process. For policies at all levels to be able to tackle real issues and propose effective solutions, citizens and their representatives must be involved through all steps of the policy-making cycle, from agenda-setting…

Gap Assessment of the European Green Deal

Gap Assessment of the European Green Deal

This report includes the gaps and the recommendations for policy-makers to bring the European Green Deal closer to citizens Main objectives of the report Key gaps and recommendations for policy-makers To ensure complementarity with policy processes and frameworks and adequate monitoring and accountability of the EGD: To address the unsustainable impacts of production and consumption beyond the EU’s borders:…

Civil society organisations work together to develop a spotlight report on Sustainable Development Goals
News and statements

Civil society organisations work together to develop a spotlight report on Sustainable Development Goals

As the EU prepares to publish its European Voluntary Review of the SDGs (EUVR), representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) from a broad range of sectors across Europe came together to assess Europe’s SDG progress by contributing to the finalisation of a civil society spotlight report. More than 40 civil society organisations from across Europe…

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers!
News and statements

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers!

AKA project activities kick-started with a Training of Trainers! On 23 and 24 February the project activities of the AKA Active Citizens project were kick-started with an exciting Training of Trainers organized by SOLIDAR Foundation on Global Citizenship Education (GCE) with all project partners in Brussels!  The AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens project aims at promoting the…