Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Since the advent of democracy in Guatemala, national social expenditure increased. However, major problems, such as social inequalities, persist and impact particularly indigenous people, women, and citizens from rural areas. Although some progress has been made, the country is still distressed by social unrest, stigmatization of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), and increasingly frequent violence. Guatemala seems…

SOLIDAR at the 108th ILO Conference: Social Justice at the core of long lasting peace
News and statements

SOLIDAR at the 108th ILO Conference: Social Justice at the core of long lasting peace

As every year, also in 2019, SOLIDAR will be in Geneva to participate in the International Labour Organisation Conference (ILO ILC). The ILO is the oldest United Nations Agency promoting social justice, a fair Globalisation, and Decent Work. Its main function is to set up international standards on labour and social rights and closely monitor their respect…

SDGs Handbook: The Sustainable Development Goals in brief

SDGs Handbook: The Sustainable Development Goals in brief

This short handbook is designed to introduce the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to European Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) active in the area of economic and social rights. It aims particularly at providing social CSOs willing to engage in national sustainable development processes, with a basic understanding of the 2030 Agenda, and the opportunities its…

Majalat 2019: towards a structured dialogue between the CSOs from the Southern Neighbourhood and the EU
News and statements

Majalat 2019: towards a structured dialogue between the CSOs from the Southern Neighbourhood and the EU

Majalat 2019: towards a structured dialogue between the CSOs from the Southern Neighbourhood and the EU On 15, 16 and 17 January, SOLIDAR met with consortium’s members of the Majalat Project. Launched in 2018 for a three-year duration, Majalat aims at building a constructive dialogue between the EU and Civil Society. During the three-day meeting, consortium’s…

Social Rights Monitor – Egypt

Social Rights Monitor – Egypt

Recommendations Whereas social protection has been allocated 40% of the total budget of the Single Support Framework, and civil society in Egypt is considered “important for democratic and economic development and to help build political stability” and the commitment to inclusive growth and job creation in Egypt  is acknowledged by the partnership, civil society perceives that…

Social Rights Monitor – Jordan

Social Rights Monitor – Jordan

Recommendations The overall perception of the respondents to EU-Jordan relations is positive, recognizing that there are several projects implemented with EU support in the country. The respondents actively follow bilateral relations and have been consulted by the EU delegations at national level. Nevertheless, they note the sporadic nature of these consultations and that the focus…

Social Rights Monitor – Lebanon

Social Rights Monitor – Lebanon

Recommendations The law on Associations in Lebanon is enabling to an extent, but the government must always be notified of the creation of new civil society organizations. Moreover, the law can be misapplied because of the administrative burdens, including administrative delays. On another level, the lack of funding impedes a well-operating civil society. Although there is…