SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work
News and statements

SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work

SOLIDAR co-signs ETUC’s joint open letter for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work Today, 25th October 2022, the EMPL Committee of the European Parliament is hosting a hearing on the Uber Files, the global investigation on the secret lobbying activities and illegal practices carried out by the renowned platform with the objective…

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition
News and statements

Occupational Safety and Health: a fundamental right for a Just Transition

As indicated by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in its Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a fundamental dimension of Just Transition.   This year on June the 10th, during the 110th International Labour Conference in Geneva, delegates adopted a ground-breaking resolution, adding…

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

Briefing Paper 103 – Improving working conditions in platform work

On 9 December 2021 the European Commission presented a proposed directive on improving working conditions in platform work. This was the latest step of a path started some years before and reflecting the political will of EU institutions to regulate a fast-growing platform economy. The pandemic has given great impetus to the sector, but has also exposed…

Small Grant Facility call for proposals 2022 is out!
News and statements

Small Grant Facility call for proposals 2022 is out!

(French and Spanish versions below – Versions française et espagnole ci-dessous – Versiones en español y francés debajo) DEADLINE TO SUBMIT PROPOSAL: 12 JUNE 2022, 24h00 Brussels time Organising International Solidarity – Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals 2022 SOLIDAR is launching a Call for Proposals as part of its Organising International Solidarity (OIS) programme, funded by the European…

The renewed AU-EU partnership: a more structured dialogue with Civil Society Organisations
News and statements

The renewed AU-EU partnership: a more structured dialogue with Civil Society Organisations

On February 17 and 18, the 6th European Union (EU) – Africa Union (AU) Summit took place in Brussels in an event that gathered the heads of the states and governments from the Members States of both regions. One of the outcomes of this Summit was the final declaration “A Joint Vision for 2030”. Ahead of this…



The political environment in Cambodia, within which independent trade unions, other workers’ organizations and civil society organizations operate, has become more and more difficult. There is continued repression of labour unrest, accompanied by a regression in labour regulations. Employer practices such as the widespread use of fixed-duration contracts, harassment and violence against union leaders and…