Protect Labour Rights Defenders: SOLIDARity with the Haitian labour movement
News and statements

Protect Labour Rights Defenders: SOLIDARity with the Haitian labour movement

Protect Labour Rights Defenders: SOLIDARity with the Haitian labour movement The Haitian trade union movement is going through a very difficult time, which puts the lives and freedom of trade union leaders, freedom of association and the trade union movement itself at risk. For about two months now, the highest political authorities of the country, and in particular the Minister…

In Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon: MAJALAT launches the 2020 subgranting activities
News and statements

In Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon: MAJALAT launches the 2020 subgranting activities

As part of the EU funded initiative MAJALAT to enhance dialogue between Southern neighborhood civil society and the European Union, five organisations from Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, beneficiaries from the 2020 Small Grant Facility, will conduct different nationwide workshops on topics considered of common interest. The activities are taking place from 18th of September and until the 15th of December…

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation?
News and statements

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation?

SOTEU: did the social dimension get lost in translation? SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR FOUNDATION welcome Ursula von der Leyen’s recognition of the fragility of the current system amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. President von der Leyen has echoed the sentiment of SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation’s Secretary General Mikael Leyi on the need to establish a new normality in…

Shrinking Space: severe human rights violations of Awá people in Nariño – Colombia
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Shrinking Space: severe human rights violations of Awá people in Nariño – Colombia

The department of Nariño, in Colombia, is experiencing an increase of violence against the Awá community and constant violations of their human rights, in particular targeted at the young population. Despite the signature of the Peace Agreement, Colombia is undergoing levels of violence that are jeopardizing the agreement and the situation has worsened during the pandemic. Colombian Congress members…

Shrinking Space: Zimbabwean activists keep denouncing critical state
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Shrinking Space: Zimbabwean activists keep denouncing critical state

SOLIDAR participated in a meeting organised by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Zimbabwean Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) on 20th August 2020, to address and inform on the current situation of Human Right Defenders and activists in the country.  With the aim to organise international solidarity with those facing repression, the hosts invited national speakers that could narrate first hand the state of affairs: members of ANC, SACP, Zimbabwe…

Shrinking Space: Benoit Maria, HRD working with indigenous population for over 20 years, murdered in Guatemala
News and statements

Shrinking Space: Benoit Maria, HRD working with indigenous population for over 20 years, murdered in Guatemala

Member organisations from the Foro de ONGs Internacionales en Guatemala (FONGI) are denouncing the murder of the activist and Human Rights Defender (HRD) Benoit Maria, who worked for the Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – Agronomists and Veterinarians Without Borders. The situation for Human Rights Defenders in Guatemala is reaching critical conditions. They face defamation, persecution and, ultimately, murder. This is possible thanks to the…

OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy
News and statements

OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy

OPEN LETTER: the EU must not sit idly by while a Member State’s democracy is in jeopardy SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation, along with 80 MEPs and civil society organisations ( amongst them Transparency International EU, European Humanist Federation, Access Info Europe, The Good Lobby, Corporate Europe Observatory , ILGA-Europe , WeMove Europe,  Alliance4Europe), has signed an open letter to the European Commission and the European Council,…

Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April!
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Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April!

Deadline extended for Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals – submit by 27 April! ENG  Due to the current situation of COVID-19, SOLIDAR Organising International SOLIDARity Steering Group has decided to postpone the deadline for its Small Grant Facility Call for Proposals. The new deadline to submit proposals is 27 April 2020, 24.00h Brussels time.  This will allow to mitigate the obstacles that CSOs,…

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020
News and statements

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020

Appel à initiatives Small Grant Facility 2020 Date butoir pour soumettre les propositions: 27 avril 2020 à 24h00, heure de Bruxelles (DÉLAI PROLONGÉ). SOLIDAR publie un Appel à candidatures dans le cadre de son programme « Organising International Solidarity (OIS) financé par l’Union Européenne (UE). Ce mécanisme vise à renforcer les actions communes de plaidoyer entre les Organisations de…