In a Europe focused on competitiveness, security, and defence, is a socially and environmentally fair transition possible?
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In a Europe focused on competitiveness, security, and defence, is a socially and environmentally fair transition possible?

As the European Union transitions to a new mandate, the shift from the European Green Deal to the Clean Industrial Deal raises questions: Will social and environmental justice and sustainability once again be sidelined in favour of competitiveness and growth? And will the EU recognise CSOs vital role in improving the quality of policymaking and…

9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal
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9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability: Shaping the European Green Deal

The 9th Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, held in Brussels on 4-5 November, brought together more than 70 civil society organisations (CSOs) from across Europe. Organised by SOLIDAR, SDG Watch Europe, and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), this final edition of the Forum focused on strategising on the SDGs and Agenda 30, and discussing the…

Sabir Festival 2024: ten years of Mediterranean solidarity, against rampant fascisation
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Sabir Festival 2024: ten years of Mediterranean solidarity, against rampant fascisation

The Sabir Festival SOLIDAR and a delegation of members were present at the 10th edition of the Sabir festival in Rome, in October. Sabir is the festival of Mediterranean cultures, named after a lingua franca mixing Arabic, French, Italian, Greek and Spanish spoken in North Africa and the Levant. It was founded in 2014, one…

Europe’s Next Chapter: Balancing Prosperity, Sustainability, and Social Justice
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Europe’s Next Chapter: Balancing Prosperity, Sustainability, and Social Justice

At the European Parliament’s constituent plenary session in July 2024, Ursula von der Leyen was re-elected President of the European Commission. She then got to present her new Political Guidelines, a document based on the European Council’s Strategic Agenda that sets out the priority areas on which the Commission will focus and, in broad terms,…

Civil Society Organisations demand a socially and environmentally just EU Green Deal
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Civil Society Organisations demand a socially and environmentally just EU Green Deal

The eighth edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability took place on the 11 and 12 June 2024, with representatives participating from diverse Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) across Europe and beyond. Participants came together to develop civil society demands to the EU on the future of citizens’ deliberation and the European Green Deal…

Every Life Counts: SOLIDAR joins call to end EU exports of hazardous pesticides  
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Every Life Counts: SOLIDAR joins call to end EU exports of hazardous pesticides  

SOLIDAR has proudly joined forces with more than 200 other organisations to sign a joint letter calling for a ban on EU production and exports of banned and hazardous pesticides. Ahead of the informal meeting of EU leaders that took place on June 17th to discuss the Strategic Agenda for the next legislative cycle, this…

7th Civil Society Forum: Civil Society Organisations Assess European Political Group Manifestos for a Sustainable Future
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7th Civil Society Forum: Civil Society Organisations Assess European Political Group Manifestos for a Sustainable Future

During the seventh edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, representatives from diverse Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) across Europe and beyond came together to critically assess the promises in the political manifestos of 5 European political groups: Party of European Socialists (PES), Party of the European Left (PEL), European Green Party (EGP), Alliance…

SOLIDAR to the EESC to reiterate the role of civil dialogue for inclusive democracy – Civil society week ’24
News and statements

SOLIDAR to the EESC to reiterate the role of civil dialogue for inclusive democracy – Civil society week ’24

SOLIDAR to the EESC to reiterate the role of civil dialogue for inclusive democracy – civil society week ’24 SOLIDAR and its partners Social Platform, Civil Society Europe and the European Civic Forum organised a workshop in the framework of the EESC Civil Society Week on 6th March. The workshop, titled “Civil dialogue for inclusive…