Policy Paper – Peace Education Sustainable Journey to Peace: Peace Education in the Context of Global Citizenship Education

Policy Paper – Peace Education Sustainable Journey to Peace: Peace Education in the Context of Global Citizenship Education

The Policy Paper on Peace Education A Sustainable Journey to Peace: Peace Education in the Context of Global Citizenship Education, presents the culmination of a whole year of activities for SOLIDAR Foundation and its members on the theme of Peace Education as a tool for achieving learning and sustainable societies.   The current political and security…

AKA Active Citizens – New Project starting in November!
News and statements

AKA Active Citizens – New Project starting in November!

SOLIDAR Foundation is excited to announce that in November the project AKA Active Citizens will be launched and implemented together with 8 other organisations! AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens is a project co-funded by the CERV Programme. It will aim at promoting the democratic participation and engagement at EU level of young citizens with vulnerable…

ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November!
News and statements

ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November!

ECHO Network – New Project on Democracy in the Online Space kicks off in November! SOLIDAR Foundation is proud to announce that it will join the consortium of the Erasmus+ funded project ECHO Network (Ethical Common Human Open Source network). Coordinated by our French member, CEMEA, and reuniting as partners SOLIDAR Foundation members from Croatia (Centre…

ValUE – Solidarity Matters: Celebrating a Solidary European Citizenship
News and statements

ValUE – Solidarity Matters: Celebrating a Solidary European Citizenship

On July 12, SOLIDAR Foundation co-organized with Volonteurope, the concluding event of the ValUE – Solidarity Matters in a Leading Europe in a hybrid format in Brussels. Carried out by a consortium comprising 11 partners and coordinated by SOLIDAR Foundation, the ValUE project which was co-funded by the Europe for Citizens Programme, provided the participants involved with a deeper…

Learning for citizenship never ends: Repository of Good Practices on Citizenship and Lifelong Learning

Learning for citizenship never ends: Repository of Good Practices on Citizenship and Lifelong Learning

After 7 years of work, covering 6 flagship publications, the work of SOLIDAR Foundation on the Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor is coming to an end. The conclusion represents the end of a research endeavour and an exercise in taking stock of how national and European policies on lifelong learning, especially on citizenship education, have…

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021

The Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor is SOLIDAR Foundation’s flagship publication, coming into its 6th edition and analysing policy developments linked to citizenship education and lifelong learning at EU level and across Europe. The 6th edition represents the last edition, considering that, since the Paris Declaration, there has been more work done at EU level with regards to strategic documents on citizenship education while…

Attuning the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) to present realities
News and statements

Attuning the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) to present realities

Attuning the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp) to present realities On 22 March, the European Commission published the updated version of the European Digital Competence Framework, DigComp 2.2, which serves as an essential piece in the EU’s efforts to meet the targets it has set for itself in its Digital Education Action Plan (70% of…

Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education
News and statements

Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education

Is observance all we can do? Support teachers & quality education for all! International Day of Education With a shorter history that Teacher’s Day, the International Day of Education (24 January) was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as such in 2018. The reason was to celebrate the role of education in bringing global…

The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe!
News and statements

The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe!

The Solidarity Labs keep spreading across Europe! The project valUE – Solidarity Matters funded by Europe for Citizens keeps engaging the citizenry across Europe in a collective reflection on the importance of Solidarity! Over 200 people have been involved in the Solidarity Labs organised over the past few months in Greece, Cyprus and Romania, leading to over 10 definitions of Solidarity that started feeding…