TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills
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TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills

TRANSVAL – EU: Survey on innovative initiatives for the validation of transversal skills The EU-funded project TRANSVAL-EU, in which SOLIDAR Foundation is a partner, is a European policy experimentation concerning innovative approaches for the validation of transversal skills obtained in non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL) contexts, including guidance services.  “Transversal skills and competences (TSCs) are learned and…

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?
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ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake? The second annual Study Visit of SOLIDAR Foundation took place online from 12 to 14 July. This year, the Study Visit provided members and partners with an overview of the state of play of the civic space in Europe, thanks to the interventions of external experts as well…

The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece
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The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece

The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece Greek citizens have started their preparation to actively follow and participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) process, which forsees a citizen-led series of debates and discussions which are to feed into a pan-European democratic exercise that would allow citizens to have their say on EU decision-making. In the framework of the EU funded project, valUE – Solidarity…

SOLIDAR Foundation Briefing Paper – Individual Learning Accounts

SOLIDAR Foundation Briefing Paper – Individual Learning Accounts

On 1 Jully 2020, the European Commission presented the Updated Skills Agenda. An individual right to lifelong learning was considered in the format of the Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs). The European Commission has committed itself to a proposal for a Council Recommendation on ILAs which is to be published towards the end of 2021. Based on…

Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?
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Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready?

Online Conference: Civic Competences and Lifelong Learning for the Green and Digital Transitions: Is Europe Ready? On 7-9 April, SOLIDAR Foundation organized, in partnership with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), its annual conference for launching the 5th edition of its flagship publication: the Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020. Over three days of online panel discussions, the Monitor…

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020

The Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020, released by SOLIDAR Foundation in partnership with FEPS, is a research report on the topic of policy developments in the field of attainment of skills, through lifelong learning, for active participation in society. The Monitor takes stock of the digital and green transitions through which European countries are expected to undergo…

Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges
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Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges

Study Visit: Green and Digital Exchanges On 24-26 March 2021, SOLIDAR Foundation organized its annual study visit for member organisations, in partnership with the International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations (IFWEA) and ABF Sweden. Over 40 participants from across the world joined the online study visit, titled ‘Learning from Each Other to Build Digital and Sustainable Societies’, with the…

SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2
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SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2

SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 In December 2020, the European Commission has launched a process to update its European Digital Competence Framework, DigComp. This upcoming version, DigComp 2.2, is foreseen to be released in December 2021, with the aim of providing example of situation involving digital competences and the…

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

SOLIDAR Foundation members’ work supports the urgently needed transition towards a social, economic and environmentally sustainable future. Nonetheless, it isn’t always self-evident for members, especially for the staff operating locally, to acknowledge the profound link of their current activities with the goals expressed in the Agenda 2030. For this reason, on 26 and 27 November 2020,…