Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

This month, in the framework of the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) Midterm Review, SOLIDAR Foundation participated in a Strategic Dialogue organised by DG EMPL. After DG EAC’s CSO Consultation that took place in July, the Strategic Dialogue was another moment where stakeholders could have their say on the Action Plan and give recommendations on how to…

How global citizenship education is empowering youth and strengthening democracy 
News and statements

How global citizenship education is empowering youth and strengthening democracy 

HOW GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION IS EMPOWERING YOUTH AND STRENGTHENING DEMOCRACY  On May 21, SOLIDAR Foundation hosted a hybrid event at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and online, bringing together civil society representatives, policymakers, and experts to discuss the role of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in fostering democratic participation and exploring challenges and opportunities….

Policy Pill: EP Elections Campaign
Training Material

Policy Pill: EP Elections Campaign

At the dawn of the EP elections, SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation have prepared campaigns, advocating for social justice through Just Transition and Global Citizenship Education. The campaigns have a twofold aim. On one hand, they address the policymakers and candidates, using the voice of the civil society, of the people, to push for an agenda…

food for brAIn | Talk with Paul Nemitz
News and statements

food for brAIn | Talk with Paul Nemitz

On 23 January, SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation secretariat and members had an insightful meeting with Paul Nemitz, Principal Adviser on the Digital Transition in DG Justice and Consumers at the European Commission, facilitated by Dr. Susanne Drake from the Willi-Eichler-Akademie.  Mr. Nemitz started the discussion by highlighting the power element in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and that we must…

ERASMUS+ Operating Grant

ERASMUS+ Operating Grant

WHAT IS THE PROJECT ABOUT? The work of SOLIDAR Foundation is supported by an Erasmus + Framework Partnership Operating Grant focused on promoting Democratic Participation and Inclusion through Global Citizenship Education from 2023 to 2025. WHY? Over this period, SOLIDAR Foundation’s overall objective is to increase the influence and voice of our members at the…

Education Policy Pill: Global Citizenship Education (GCE)
Training Material

Education Policy Pill: Global Citizenship Education (GCE)

Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been a central topic to the work of SOLIDAR Foundation membership across Europe and beyond. SOLIDAR Foundation strives to achieve social justice through education, ensuring that all learners have access to quality, public education that is done in a lifelong and lifewide manner. GCE is recognised as political education on a global scale which…

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia
News and statements

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia

ECHO Network: The use of internet for the peace movement | Zagreb, Croatia The final Study Visit of the ECHO Network project took place in Zagreb, Croatia. From 4 to 8 December, participants took part in activities organised by the Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) and explored the topics of digital spaces in the framework of anti-war movement.    The…