Social Rights Monitor 2021- Country Monitors.

Social Rights Monitor 2021- Country Monitors.

December 17, 2021 SOLIDAR’s Social Rights Monitor 2021 offers an analysis of the state of social rights in 16 European countries: 13 EU countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain and the Netherlands – 2 candidate countries – North Macedonia and Serbia– and the United Kingdom. A National Strategy Group (NSG), composed of experts from civil society organisations, trade…

Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union
News and statements

Just Transition Monitor – Mapping the state of Just Transition in the European Union

December 13, 2021 How do certain EU countries approach the issue of ‘Just Transition’? Do they have national Just Transition strategies? Did Just Transition only reach their national agenda recently? Is Just Transition present in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans? And what is the view of of national civil society and trade unions on Just Transition? SOLIDAR’s first ever Just…

Working for nothing in the platform economy – Thematic Publication

Working for nothing in the platform economy – Thematic Publication

December 9, 2021 The advent of digital labour platforms – and its acceleration during the pandemic -require researchers, civil society organizations, and policymakers to question the impact of this new mode of labour on workers’ livelihoods and the quality of their jobs. SOLIDAR, in collaboration with the Employment Relations and Labour Markets Research Group (ERLM) at the Centre for Sociological Research (KU Leuven), presents a study titled “Working for…

Briefing Paper 99 – Leave no woman behind: a European regulation for a gender-responsive recovery

Briefing Paper 99 – Leave no woman behind: a European regulation for a gender-responsive recovery

November 25, 2021 The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities, including gender inequalities. Indeed, the socio-economic consequences of the crisis have had – among other effects – a detrimental impact on women’s participation in the labour market. Moreover, the pandemic has given an unprecedented push to the spread of teleworking, which also had significant repercussions…

A Just Transition must have Gender Equality at its core – SOLIDAR’s guest article to PES Women’s feminist economy brochure
News and statements

A Just Transition must have Gender Equality at its core – SOLIDAR’s guest article to PES Women’s feminist economy brochure

November 22, 2021 It is not uncommon to hear someone ask ‘What does the transition to climate neutrality have to do with gender equality, when women’s jobs are not really impacted by it, as they represent only 22% of transport workers, 32% of renewable energy workers and 10% of construction workers in Europe?’.  SOLIDAR answers this question…

Policy Paper – The Commodification of Education and the Prevalence of For-Profit Education Stakeholders: Education for all or education for profit?

Policy Paper – The Commodification of Education and the Prevalence of For-Profit Education Stakeholders: Education for all or education for profit?

On World Teachers’ Day, SOLIDAR Foundation celebrates all those who are educating learners to adapt to their current society. The teaching profession is providing one of the most essential rights that all should have, one without which it is hard for any individual to reach self-determination and fully enjoy all inalienable rights. Though much is…

Briefing Note – Education for Environmental Sustainability

Briefing Note – Education for Environmental Sustainability

SOLIDAR Foundation is launching its Briefing Note on Education for Environmental Sustainability which aims to highlight the connections between the several ongoing initiatives at the EU level regarding EES and GCE, to support our members and partners’ advocacy actions for improving the policy making around the topic. This occurs in the framework of SOLIDAR Foundation’s work on GCE, working on advocacy towards the mainstreaming of Education for Environmental Sustainability…

Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide: How Civil Society and Trade Unions are Driving the Change
News and statements

Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide: How Civil Society and Trade Unions are Driving the Change

June 12, 2021 The study “Promoting a Just Transition in Europe and Worldwide: How Civil Society and Trade Unions are Driving the Change” stems from SOLIDAR’s growing interest in engaging with the topic of ensuring a socially Just Transition to climate neutrality. At the end of 2020, the SOLIDAR network developed a new multiannual strategy for the platform,…

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: 
An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work

The EU Green Deal in International Partnerships: An examples’ guide of EU and SOLIDAR members’ work Climate change and environmental degradation are some of the most pressing challenges of our times. The European Union’s answer to these challenges has been the introduction of a Green Deal for Europe, a policy strategy aimed at promoting reforms towards the…