Case Study |  Ready-made disparity: the impact of unfair trading practices on just transition in Bangladesh’s Ready made garment sector

Case Study | Ready-made disparity: the impact of unfair trading practices on just transition in Bangladesh’s Ready made garment sector

“Leaving behind our ancestral lands due to the relentless river erosion was a heart-wrenching choice. Coming to Dhaka in search of a better life seemed like the only option, but the challenges here were unlike any I’d imagined. The hope for economic stability led me to the garment industry, but the harsh reality hit me…

Case Study |  Unveiling the social effects of oil palm monoculture in Montes De María in Colombia

Case Study | Unveiling the social effects of oil palm monoculture in Montes De María in Colombia

Colombia is the largest oil palm producer in Latin America and the fourth largest in the world. This crop has been promoted as a development factor since the end of the last century. In the case of the Montes de María region, the recent expansion of the oil palm agribusiness model was due to a…

Policy Tool: The European Green Deal: Towards new social and ecological narratives for the European Elections 2024 by the Civil Society Forum for Sustainability

Policy Tool: The European Green Deal: Towards new social and ecological narratives for the European Elections 2024 by the Civil Society Forum for Sustainability

Our common future will soon be in the hands of a newly elected European Parliament (EP). In order to ensure the development of a comprehensive EU policy framework for a socio-ecological transition within the European Green Deal (EGD) that puts living species at its core, addresses the needs of disadvantaged groups, reduces inequalities and ensures…

Case Study |  
Exported Toxicity:The EU’s Banned Pesticides in South Africa

Case Study | Exported Toxicity:The EU’s Banned Pesticides in South Africa

Case Study | Exported Toxicity:The EU’s Banned Pesticides in South Africa The European Union has banned highly hazardous pesticides from agriculture within its borders, due to their proven, or strongly suspected toxicity to human health, biodiversity, and the environment. Nevertheless, such pesticides are still being produced by some EU Member States and exported to third…

The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda

The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda

The study titled “The Social Pillar and the future of the EU Social Agenda” was co-authored by Danielle Brady, Tommaso Grossi, Laura Rayner from EPC and thanks to the contribution of SOLIDAR, Social Platform, Foundation of Progressive Studies, AK Europa. This study acknowledges the progress made in the EU social policies since the introduction of the…

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU Policies on Access to Essential Services

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU Policies on Access to Essential Services

BRIEFING PAPER #106:  SOLIDAR Reviews EU POLICIES on Access to Essential Services December 28, 2023 In June, the European Commission (EC) released its first-ever assessment report on Access to Essential Services in the European Union. This comprehensive and long-awaited report examined the extent of access to Essential Services listed in Principle 20 of the European…

Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy
News and statements

Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy

Thematic Conference | Global Citizenship Education: From Research to Policy On 16 November, during the Global Education Week 2023, SOLIDAR Foundation presented its Policy Paper on Global Citizenship Education at the annual thematic conference. Being the culmination of a year-long work on the topic, the Policy Paper WE ALL BELONG: The role of GCE in supporting…