
Just4All National Background Papers On Just Transition, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

ABF, Ligue de l’enseignement, CARDET and AONTAS, affiliated entities of the EU-funded Just4All project have produced 4 background papers about the contexts in Ireland, France, Cyprus and Sweden. The 4 national background papers illustrate the state of play of policies aimed at developing adequate adult learning schemes to support a just transition. The papers include…

THE AKA BOOKLET: Methodologies for Fostering Social Action and Democratic Engagement
Training Material

THE AKA BOOKLET: Methodologies for Fostering Social Action and Democratic Engagement

The AKA (Awareness, Knowledge, Action) Active Citizens project has been two full years (2022-2024) of transformative and eye-opening experience. The aim of the project was to increase the democratic participation and engagement of young people with vulnerable backgrounds in eight different countries. Young people, particularly from marginalised communities are often the first to face barriers…

Briefing Paper | Toxic double standards: How Europe sells products deemed too dangerous for europeans to the rest of the world

Briefing Paper | Toxic double standards: How Europe sells products deemed too dangerous for europeans to the rest of the world

Despite the European Union positioning itself as a leader in sustainability, safety, and environmental protection, its efforts remain confined within its borders, with little to no external considerations of the impact of its policies on partner countries. This approach becomes even more evident when looking at the hypocritical double standards in EU trading policies. In…

Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

Digital Education Action Plan mid-term review: SOLIDAR Foundation’s Position Paper

This month, in the framework of the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP) Midterm Review, SOLIDAR Foundation participated in a Strategic Dialogue organised by DG EMPL. After DG EAC’s CSO Consultation that took place in July, the Strategic Dialogue was another moment where stakeholders could have their say on the Action Plan and give recommendations on how to…

Universal Social Protection: an enabler of climate action and a catalyst for a just transition and greater social justice
News and statements

Universal Social Protection: an enabler of climate action and a catalyst for a just transition and greater social justice

  Universal Social Protection supports climate mitigation and adaptation (and ensure public support for climate policies), shows the International Labour Organization (ILO) latest World Social Protection Report 2024-2026.  Yet, “3.8 billion people are still entirely unprotected from life’s challenges and the impacts of climate change”.  Greater investment in and expansion of social protection systems is…

JUST4ALL Best Practices #6: General Public and Other Stakeholders
Training Material

JUST4ALL Best Practices #6: General Public and Other Stakeholders

The practices gathered in the framework of the Just4All project highlight the vital connection between environmental education and economic empowerment, employing innovative strategies that bridge this gap by linking environmental issues to participants’ daily lives. By addressing not only educational needs but also providing other basic needs, these practices ensure comprehensive assistance that helps systematically…

JUST4ALL Best Practices #5: Disadvantaged Communities
Training Material

JUST4ALL Best Practices #5: Disadvantaged Communities

The practices gathered in the framework of the Just4All project highlight the vital connection between environmental education and economic empowerment, employing innovative strategies that bridge this gap by linking environmental issues to participants’ daily lives. By addressing not only educational needs but also providing other basic needs, these practices ensure comprehensive assistance that helps systematically…

JUST4ALL Best Practices #4: Migrants
Training Material

JUST4ALL Best Practices #4: Migrants

The practices gathered in the framework of the Just4All project highlight the vital connection between environmental education and economic empowerment, employing innovative strategies that bridge this gap by linking environmental issues to participants’ daily lives. By addressing not only educational needs but also providing other basic needs, these practices ensure comprehensive assistance that helps systematically…