Social Rights Monitor – Morocco

Social Rights Monitor – Morocco

Recommendations The action plans, which set out the mutual commitments between the EU and Morocco with regards to social, political and economic matters for the period 2013-2017, are coming to an end. In the framework of the revised neighbourhood policy, this should give room now for partnership priorities which should guide their future relations. Based…

Social Rights Monitor – Palestine

Social Rights Monitor – Palestine

Recommendations Respondents to the SRM tool acknowledge the role of EU, as the biggest donor; supporting Palestinian people. Yet their expectations go beyond financial assistance to a strong political will to support the Palestinian people’s rights, particularly when discussed at UN bodies. They envisage a partnership that reflects this strong support at all levels. Within…

Social Rights Monitor – Tunisia

Social Rights Monitor – Tunisia

Recommendations With the action plans for the Privileged Partnership coming to an end and with the revised neighbourhood policy, there is now room for the EU and Tunisia to redefine their joint priorities, which should guide their future relationship. Based on the above report, EU-Tunisia bilateral relations, either through partnership priorities or other agreed commitments,…

Social Rights Monitor – Algeria

Social Rights Monitor – Algeria

Recommendations With the new partnership priorities, the EU and Algeria agreed to put the emphasis on reinforcing the role of civil society and women; promoting and protecting workers’ rights; reinforcing social bipartite and tripartite dialogue; supporting youth and boosting their energy; etc. However, from the social rights monitor, there is an overall perception that so…

Private sector: Mismatching development with economic growth?

Private sector: Mismatching development with economic growth?

This briefing aims to shed light on the impact of the private sector’s involvement in development, particularly on the achievement of the main development cooperation goals of inequality reduction and poverty eradication through a human rights based approach ensuring a space for civil society. The main objective is to question the recent promotion of and…

Progressive lab for sustainable development: From vision to action

Progressive lab for sustainable development: From vision to action

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in September 2015, sets out the framework for achieving, by 2030, a sustainable development model where no one is left behind and where planetary boundaries are respected. The 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals are universal as they apply to all countries at all levels of…