ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for more social investment in education

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for more social investment in education

Social investment: key for inclusive learning societies SOLIDAR members have a long-standing tradition of empowering people through lifelong learning, and actively promote social cohesion, active inclusion and participation in society. They are active in the fields of adult education, professional and vocational training, education populaire and education for Peace. The whole school approach, that translates…

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for fighting back the shrinking civic space

ADVANCING SOCIAL JUSTICE IN EUROPE – SOLIDAR calls for fighting back the shrinking civic space

March 14, 2019 No democracy without strong Civil Society Organisations Civic space is the bedrock of any open and democratic society. Civil Society Organisations are a key player for our democracy to flourish, and the more the civic space shrinks the less a society can be considered democratic.  Today, the civic space is narrowing in…

European Conference: The unsustainable burden of inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030

European Conference: The unsustainable burden of inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030

inequalities – How the implementation of the EPSR can lead to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 January 8, 2019 Marking the first anniversary of the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, SOLIDAR successfully hosted a conference in the European Parliament on 22 November 2018, attended by more than 120 participants. The aim…

Social Rights Monitor – Egypt

Social Rights Monitor – Egypt

Recommendations Whereas social protection has been allocated 40% of the total budget of the Single Support Framework, and civil society in Egypt is considered “important for democratic and economic development and to help build political stability” and the commitment to inclusive growth and job creation in Egypt  is acknowledged by the partnership, civil society perceives that…

Social Rights Monitor – Jordan

Social Rights Monitor – Jordan

Recommendations The overall perception of the respondents to EU-Jordan relations is positive, recognizing that there are several projects implemented with EU support in the country. The respondents actively follow bilateral relations and have been consulted by the EU delegations at national level. Nevertheless, they note the sporadic nature of these consultations and that the focus…

Social Rights Monitor – Lebanon

Social Rights Monitor – Lebanon

Recommendations The law on Associations in Lebanon is enabling to an extent, but the government must always be notified of the creation of new civil society organizations. Moreover, the law can be misapplied because of the administrative burdens, including administrative delays. On another level, the lack of funding impedes a well-operating civil society. Although there is…