Economic and Social Rights Monitor – El Salvador

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – El Salvador

How can the European Union (EU) better contribute to developing an enabling space for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in El Salvador? How can the EU support the progressive realisation of Economic and Social Rights, namely Decent Work and Social Protection for All, in line with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Led by Asamblea de Cooperación por la…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Kenya

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Kenya

Decent work is an integral part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to which the Kenyan Government is committed. Nevertheless, poor compliance with laws jeopardizes Kenyan workers’ rights. The country’s youth remains vulnerable to exploitation. In health, Kenya lacks a comprehensive strategy to address the various dimensions of universal health coverage. And in education, the major challenge is…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Burkina Faso

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Burkina Faso

How can the European Union (EU) better contribute to the development of enabling spaces for civil society organizations (CSOs) in Burkina Faso? How can the EU support the progressive realisation of economic and social rights,namely decent work and social protection for all, in line with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Led by Solidarité Laïque Burkina Faso, the present…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – South East Asia

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – South East Asia

SOLIDAR network is active in East and South-East Asia with its partner organisation to enhance the progressive implementation of Economic and Social Rights, namely Freedom of Association, the right to social protection and decent work for all. Our work in the area is coordinated by our members SOLIDAR Suisse Hong Kong. Between November 12th and 13th 2019, in Bangkok (Thailand), our network…

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Economic and Social Rights Monitor – Guatemala

Since the advent of democracy in Guatemala, national social expenditure increased. However, major problems, such as social inequalities, persist and impact particularly indigenous people, women, and citizens from rural areas. Although some progress has been made, the country is still distressed by social unrest, stigmatization of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), and increasingly frequent violence. Guatemala seems…

Social Rights Monitor 2019

Social Rights Monitor 2019

November 12, 2019 SOLIDAR’s Social Rights Monitor provides an insight into the state of social rights in 16 European countries. The Monitor assesses the state of social Europe in terms of equality of opportunities, fair working conditions, social protection, inclusion and civic space based on the observations of Civil Society Organisations working on the ground…