SOLIDAR Foundation Briefing Paper – Individual Learning Accounts

SOLIDAR Foundation Briefing Paper – Individual Learning Accounts

On 1 Jully 2020, the European Commission presented the Updated Skills Agenda. An individual right to lifelong learning was considered in the format of the Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs). The European Commission has committed itself to a proposal for a Council Recommendation on ILAs which is to be published towards the end of 2021. Based on…

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020

Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020

The Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2020, released by SOLIDAR Foundation in partnership with FEPS, is a research report on the topic of policy developments in the field of attainment of skills, through lifelong learning, for active participation in society. The Monitor takes stock of the digital and green transitions through which European countries are expected to undergo…

Briefing Paper 98 – Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights

Briefing Paper 98 – Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights

On 4 March 2021, four years after the proclamation of  the  European Pillar of Social Rights in Gothenburg, the European Commission presented its long awaited Action Plan for the Social Pillar. With this new Action Plan, the European Commission aims to turn principles into actions “for a strong Social Europe that focuses on jobs and skills for the future and…

ESRM Synthesis Report: Enabling Space and Economic and Social Rights in Covid-19 times

ESRM Synthesis Report: Enabling Space and Economic and Social Rights in Covid-19 times

This Synthesis Report brings together the main findings of the Economic and Social Rights monitoring reports (ESRM): sub-regional and country monitors published throughout 2020 by the SOLIDAR Network’s Members and partners.  The geographic scope of the reports covered Central America, the Andean Region and the following countries: Burkina Faso, Cambodia, El Salvador, Honduras, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger and Senegal….

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

Activity Report – SDGs Training for members

SOLIDAR Foundation members’ work supports the urgently needed transition towards a social, economic and environmentally sustainable future. Nonetheless, it isn’t always self-evident for members, especially for the staff operating locally, to acknowledge the profound link of their current activities with the goals expressed in the Agenda 2030. For this reason, on 26 and 27 November 2020,…