Digital Education Action Plan: SOLIDAR´s contribution to make it a reality for all
News and statements

Digital Education Action Plan: SOLIDAR´s contribution to make it a reality for all

On 25 August, SOLIDAR Foundation provided its views on the European Commission public consultation on the Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP). This consultation feeds into the upcoming update of the DEAP in September 2020, to ensure that it promotes high quality and inclusive education and training in the digital age. This becomes increasingly relevant as the COVID-19-related lockdown has illuminated deficiencies in…

Ups and Downs in the Updated Skills Agenda
News and statements

Ups and Downs in the Updated Skills Agenda

The European Commission presented on 1 July the awaited Updated Skills Agenda, which aims at identifying the skills that Europeans’ should be equipped with, to meet the requirements of changing societal and working environments over the next five years. At times when nothing less than defining a new normality is needed, the Skills Agenda is a piece of policy-making that can facilitate equal access to the attainment…

The future of EU’s Artificial Strategy: CSOs voice on digitalisation
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The future of EU’s Artificial Strategy: CSOs voice on digitalisation

On 12 June 2020, SOLIDAR Foundation has provided its views on the European Commission public consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) – A European Approach. The White Paper represents the initial strategy of the new European Commission on the future of AI in Europe. It presents a vision solely informed by an…

Conservatives and nationalists team up in the EP against solidarity
News and statements

Conservatives and nationalists team up in the EP against solidarity

On 24 October the European Parliament voted down the resolution Search and rescue in the Mediterranean, presented by the Chair of the LIBE Committee Fernando López-Aguilar (S&D). This vote marks one more failure by the EU to take a far-sighted approach to the migration flows in the Mediterranean. The resolution asked Member States “to keep…

Europe is a mosaic of ways of life – What is Schinas’ take on the criminalisation of solidarity?
News and statements

Europe is a mosaic of ways of life – What is Schinas’ take on the criminalisation of solidarity?

Margaritis Schinas has an interesting background – before becoming Commissioner designate, he was the spokeperson for the European Commission and an MEP for the Greek Conservative party prior to his (first) job in the Commission. But had his background been the strongest reason for concern we would be delighted. It is his portfolio, wrongfully named Protecting the…

A new study from the EU Parliament on the Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance
News and statements

A new study from the EU Parliament on the Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance

The European Parliament published a study by the Parliament think tank on the facilitation directive and trends towards criminalisation of humanitarian assistance. The study, titled “Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants” was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at…

Southern European leaders Summit in Nicosia – another set of weak recommendations on migration
News and statements

Southern European leaders Summit in Nicosia – another set of weak recommendations on migration

On 29 January this week, the Southern European Heads of State or Government, from Cyprus, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, and Spain met in Nicosia to discuss their position on some ongoing political issues at the EU level. One of these issues was, as predictable, migration. Establishing a united front on the reform of EU…