EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Parliament votes to enhance rights for ‘’economic’’ migrants, but progress on protection files is much more timid
News and statements

EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Parliament votes to enhance rights for ‘’economic’’ migrants, but progress on protection files is much more timid

The past week from 17th to 21th April, the European Parliament adopted positions on several important files under the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. This marks the beginning of interinstitutional negotiations with Member States in the Council of the EU to find a compromise on the texts. On so-called ‘’legal migration’’ initiatives, rights of…

EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU
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EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU

EU Policy Pill – Report by the High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU The High-level group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU, which met between November 2021 and December 2022, had the task to draft and present…

New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success?
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New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success?

New Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success: The Road to Success? On 30 June, the European Commission published a new Proposal for a Council Recommendation on Pathways to School Success accompanied by an Annex which proposes a new policy framework. The Proposal is meant to replace the 2011 Council Recommendation on policies to reduce…

EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: solidarity declarations are welcome, but will remain meaningless without a binding commitment
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EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: solidarity declarations are welcome, but will remain meaningless without a binding commitment

Under the lead of the French Presidency, political agreements were reached and formal adoptions were passed during the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Councils of the 10 June and Coreper meeting of 22 June, on some proposals of the Pact on Migration and Asylum: the Screening procedure, the revised Eurodac database, the Schengen Borders Code,…

Peace Education as a Lifelong Learning Means to European Democracy
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Peace Education as a Lifelong Learning Means to European Democracy

On June the 15th, SOLIDAR Foundation launched its annual work on the topic of Peace Education and notably on the role of non-formal and informal learning for the citizenry to develop the competences that are needed to advance democracy in our societies. At times of warfare on European soil, the long-standing work of our members…

EU Member States commit to action for a Just Transition towards climate neutrality in new Council Recommendation
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EU Member States commit to action for a Just Transition towards climate neutrality in new Council Recommendation

June 19, 2022 In the context of the European Green Deal, the Council of the EU just adopted its first text drawing close connections between the climate neutrality objectives and the pursuit of social justice. The catch? The act is, alas, non-binding. On June 16, 2022, ministers responsible for employment, social affairs, health and consumer policy from the…

European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises
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European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises

European Semester 2022 – the Spring Package and the impact of the ongoing crises On 23rd May the European Commission published its Spring Package, that includes, among others, the Country Reports and the Country Specific Recommendations (CSR) and marks one of the main stages of the European Semester cycle. The European Semester is an instrument of…

Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis
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Latest UN IPCC report confirms that a socially Just Transition is the solution to the climate crisis

March 7, 2022 SOLIDAR welcomes the latest IPCC report, which provides strong scientific proof of the close interconnection between climate change, environmental degradation and the structural injustices and inequalities that pervade our societies. On 28 February, in the shadows of war once again tormenting Europe, the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)…

European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan – First hesitant steps towards inclusive education
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European Education Area and the Digital Education Action Plan – First hesitant steps towards inclusive education

On 30 September 2020, the European Commission updated its vision of the European Education Area (EEA) setting out the roadmap on achieving this by 2025 and presented the Updated Digital Education Action Plan (DEAP).  The Digital Education Action Plan update The DEAP acknowledges the comments of SOLIDAR Foundation in the public consultation related to the…