SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2
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SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2

SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 SOLIDAR Foundation contributes to DigComp 2.2 In December 2020, the European Commission has launched a process to update its European Digital Competence Framework, DigComp. This upcoming version, DigComp 2.2, is foreseen to be released in December 2021, with the aim of providing example of situation involving digital competences and the…

“Solidarity is what has kept us going” – The Silver Rose 2020 awardees celebration on Human Rights Day
News and statements

“Solidarity is what has kept us going” – The Silver Rose 2020 awardees celebration on Human Rights Day

SOLIDAR and SOLIDAR Foundation held an online celebration of the 2020 Silver Rose awardees on Human Rights´ Day, to demonstrate once again that the fight for Social Justice does not halt – not even in times of a pandemic. With the impossibility to hold the traditional ceremony in the European Parliament with partners S&D Group and PES, the ceremony took the form of…

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now
News and statements

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now

The Recognition of the State of Palestine: time of action is now On 26 November 2020, SOLIDAR members ACPP, ARCS, ARCI, CGIL, ISCOS, MPDL, NEXUS, OPIC and Progetto Sud/UIL organised an online conference on the Recognition of the State of Palestine.  With a great panel of speakers, this conference went “back in time” to the Swedish experience of recognising Palestine, looked into…

Silver Rose 2020 Awardees
News and statements

Silver Rose 2020 Awardees

Presenting the 2020 Silver Rose Awardees, in the words of who nominated them… Since the year 2000, SOLIDAR organises annually its Silver Rose Awards in the European Parliament in cooperation with the S&D Group, an occasion to celebrate Civil Society Organisations and individuals whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. We are proud to…

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region
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Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region

Majalat Civil Society Forum discusses EU Policy for the Mediterranean region On 2 and 3 December, more than 130 civil society organisations from the southern Mediterranean shore met with representatives of the European Institutions in Brussels in the second edition of the Civil Society Forum. This forum is part of the EU-funded MAJALAT initiative, which…

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America
News and statements

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America

A joint Trade Union and NGOs path to promote Economic and Social Rights in Latin America In the framework of the DEVCO – SOLIDAR Framework Partnership Agreement “Organising International SOLIDARity”,  70 civil society organisations and trade unions, representing 18 countries from Latin America and Europe, met in Bogotá (Colombia) from 8  to 10 November, to  exchange…