The First European Education for Climate Day!
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The First European Education for Climate Day!

Today, on 25 November 2021, the European Commission has launched the first Education for Climate Day, celebrating all education practitioners around Europe that work on education for environmental sustainability and its adjacent topics. The Day was marked by an online event organized by the European Commission to facilitate the sharing of good practices across education…

2021 Silver Rose Awards goes to Myrtle Witbooi, President of IDWF
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2021 Silver Rose Awards goes to Myrtle Witbooi, President of IDWF

First held in 2000, the Silver Rose Awards is a yearly event organised by SOLIDAR in the European Parliament in cooperation with the S&D Group. It is an occasion to celebrate Civil Society Organisations and individuals whose extraordinary struggles contribute greatly to social justice and solidarity throughout the world. The Awards represent also a moment for SOLIDAR members, partners and the whole Progressive family to come together. Since the first edition of the Silver Rose Awards,…

SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies
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SOLIDAR network at Sabir Festival: alternatives for solidarity and rights-based migration policies

The 7th edition of Sabir Festival took place from 28th to 30th October 2021 in Lecce, Italy, under the title ‘’The frontier of rights and the pandemic’’. Sabir, the festival of Mediterranean cultures, is co-organised yearly by SOLIDAR members ARCI and CGIL, along with Italian organisations ACLI, Caritas Italiana, ASGI and Carta di Roma. This…

EUROPEAN CIVIC ACADEMY: Challenges & Good Practices for Multistakeholder Alliance-Building
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EUROPEAN CIVIC ACADEMY: Challenges & Good Practices for Multistakeholder Alliance-Building

October 19, 2021 The last session of the 2021 European Civic Academy is coming up soon! The event was launched by the European Civic Forum in 2016 to connect and build bridges between civil society and academic agendas, to provide space for civil society actors to discuss with academics and identify priorities and possibilities for collaborations related…

Korčula School 2021: Building partnerships for Just Transition & Gender Equality
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Korčula School 2021: Building partnerships for Just Transition & Gender Equality

September 1, 2021 “To counter the climate and environmental emergency, structural changes to our economies and to the ways we live, produce, consume, travel and work are necessary and urgent. Such restructuring should address the current social inequalities and economic disbalances for a more just, socially responsible and sustainable world of the twenty-first century. What we have…

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?
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ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake?

ELF Study Visit: the State of the Civic Space in Europe: What’s at Stake? The second annual Study Visit of SOLIDAR Foundation took place online from 12 to 14 July. This year, the Study Visit provided members and partners with an overview of the state of play of the civic space in Europe, thanks to the interventions of external experts as well…

The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece
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The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece

The Solidarity Labs have been kickstarted in Greece Greek citizens have started their preparation to actively follow and participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) process, which forsees a citizen-led series of debates and discussions which are to feed into a pan-European democratic exercise that would allow citizens to have their say on EU decision-making. In the framework of the EU funded project, valUE – Solidarity…