Ban EU Trade and Business with Israel’s Illegal Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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Ban EU Trade and Business with Israel’s Illegal Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Over 160 NGOs, Trade Unions, and Civil Society Organisations, including SOLIDAR, have signed a joint letter to call on the European Union to ban all trade with Israel’s illegal settlements. The joint letter urges the European Commission to take action to ban all trade and business between the EU and Israel’s illegal settlements in the…

Prosperity for All: How Social Europe Must Shape Competitiveness 
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Prosperity for All: How Social Europe Must Shape Competitiveness 

With Europe’s new right-wing majority, the calls for more competitiveness have unsurprisingly also become louder. The European Commission’s “Competitiveness Compass” contains the vision for overcoming the economic challenges of the next five years, including a sweeping reduction in red tape, tighter public-private collaboration, and strategic investments in cutting-edge technologies.  It is very hard to get…

In a Europe focused on competitiveness, security, and defence, is a socially and environmentally fair transition possible?
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In a Europe focused on competitiveness, security, and defence, is a socially and environmentally fair transition possible?

As the European Union transitions to a new mandate, the shift from the European Green Deal to the Clean Industrial Deal raises questions: Will social and environmental justice and sustainability once again be sidelined in favour of competitiveness and growth? And will the EU recognise CSOs vital role in improving the quality of policymaking and…

The European Alliance for a Just Transition’s Vision for the EU Cycle 2024-2029 and Beyond
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The European Alliance for a Just Transition’s Vision for the EU Cycle 2024-2029 and Beyond

We live in a time of deepening and accelerating climate, environmental and social crises. The summer of 2024 was the hottest on record, both in Europe and globally. In addition to the devastating human and material losses, the EU’s economy is projected to lose more than €50 billion per year to extreme weather and climate…

Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda

Building a Global Just Transition Narrative: Challenges and Approaches to turn a Global North concept into a Common Agenda

The concept of a Just Transition was developed as a framework to reconcile social and environmental goals in the transition to a zero emissions economy. However, its application, especially in Europe, has leaned on Global South resources and economic growth models that exacerbate the very crises they aim to solve. The Global South is disproportionately…

The omnibus proposal will create costly confusion and lower protection for people and the planet
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The omnibus proposal will create costly confusion and lower protection for people and the planet

SOLIDAR joins over 160 civil society organisations, human rights and environmental defenders, trade unions, and climate activists in saying NO to the omnibus proposal. On 8 November 2024, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced she would introduce a proposal to amend three key pillars of the European Green Deal through an Omnibus law:…

Social Europe conference | Civil Society in the European Semester: more democracy for a more social Europe
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Social Europe conference | Civil Society in the European Semester: more democracy for a more social Europe

On 3rd December 2024, SOLIDAR hosted its annual Social Europe Conference in the European Parliament, under the title Civil Society in the European Semester: Road to a more democratic and social cycle. It brought together 44 participants representing civil society organisations, social and solidarity economy actors, academia and EU institutions and bodies. It was co-hosted…